Go Jokes πŸ˜†

In the year 135,446, all of OGS excitedly awaited the first move of an historic game, the largest rengo ever, created on September 1, 2023, and featuring 999,999 players. The game had autostarted in 4762.

However, the first move was delayed because the first 970,799 players had died or otherwise abandoned OGS. Waiting for each of them to time out in succession had required the additional 130,684 years. Some players complained about these escapers, but they were reminded that escaping from a correspondence game is not a reportable offense.

Finally, Qfwfq was about to make the first move, when a Carrington event wiped out the server.

Who is Qfwfq?

Qfwfq is the protagonist of hilarious metaphysical satires in Italo Calvino’s Cosmicomics (1965).