Go Magic: A Modern Way to Study Go

:palm_tree: The Skill Tree keeps growing! What time is it? It’s time to go solve some problems of course.

:point_right:Go Problems | Go Puzzles | Tsumego — Upgrade Your Go Skills

2570 problems in the Skill Tree :muscle:

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A few comments about the Chinese rules explained video:

  1. The presenter says that players can freely play inside their own territory (in order to fix potential defects, e.g., if they are unsure about safety) without losing any points. However, this only true at the end of the game, when there are no other worthwhile moves to play (not even simple dame). Otherwise, playing a move inside one’s own territory, during the middle of the game, roughly costs as much as under Japanese rules. In addition to losing one point (for either filling one’s own territory, as counted in Japanese rules, or not claiming another point of area, as counted in Chinese rules), the player also loses much more by essentially passing and giving sente to their opponent.

  2. Neutral points are worth points under area counting, but under most circumstances, players can safely leave an even number of “simple” dame (one’s that are purely neutral points that don’t force the opponent to play inside moves to defend).

  3. In the magical example given at the end, involving seki, the white play does not have to fill in the false eyes of the seki to get points for them. Under Chinese (and most other area scoring) rules, the eyes of seki positions are simply counted as territory (while they are not under Japanese rules, of course). This is important to keep in mind when scoring seki positions where one player has more eyes than the other, e.g.,


Under Chinese rules, White does not need to (and, of course, should not) fill the points marked “a” in order to count those as part of their territory.


Big Choice Between Creation or Destruction :seedling::arrows_counterclockwise::fire:

New Go Magic Video Alert! :rotating_light: If you are hesitating whether you should invade immediately or just calmly protect your own territory, our new lesson will help you decide. :bulb:

Watch now: :arrow_forward:


Online Go Servers Overview :globe_with_meridians:

It’s no easy task to find the perfect place to play Go online. :game_die: Every Go server comes with its own unique features and exploring them all can be quite a journey. :rocket:

That’s exactly why we crafted this comprehensive guide, covering all the most popular Go servers. :books:

That’s what we thought when we created this guide to all of the most popular Go servers. Hope it helps you choose the server that suits you best. :video_game:

:four_leaf_clover: Play Go Online: Top-7 Go Servers and Apps


Interesting and like 80% right guide in my opinion

A thing surprised me: OGS not included in the rengo category.
Truth is that rengo is a new feature.
Fact is that it includes gameplay not available on the other servers: rengo with more as 4 players and correspondance rengo. Besides there are a very large choice of options for settings, including 2 separate categories (strict and casual). Definitly enough to have more consideration in the review of go servers.

I don’t agree with KGS having more skilled players as OGS, that’s more a thing of the past.
From my own observation (i like to watch games by strong players) today’s kgs users are not strong at all besides bots, and there are much more strong players coming to play here now. Things changed a lot on this matter. I really enjoyed to watch games between 6d+ on kgs but that was 20 years ago. Call me when you see a match like this there.
Beyond this there are a lot of games (strong) bots vs humans on kgs, in my opinion kgs changed some years ago to be a leading server in this aspect. But that became a more general fact on all go servers now.

I don’t agree that OGS is the most friendly for landing beginners, mostly because of the difficulties induced by the rating system. Hard to get fair games, be between beginners or be with right handicap or be with a bot too. The ergonomy is a debate, some find the UI quite complex and some not. And the quality of the game introduction by regular players is quite similar on all western servers. Asian servers have less after game reviews, due already to have less english speakers of course.

Last opinion is about go variants. No star in the table is a miss. There is quite a bunch of go variants fan on OGS. They debate about rules propose new sets and not only. They even play them in multiple opportunities, mostly in this forum. See diplomatic go, multicolor go etc… Considering the activity here on this matter, it’s not a zero star but a 4 stars rating OGS should have.


A Bag of Handy Tactical Tricks :shopping:

New Go Magic video! If your hands start trembling every time your opponent starts a big fight, this lesson will teach you a few useful techniques. Master these and dominate every fight! :martial_arts_uniform:

:eyes: Watch now:


Capture Stones Like a Boss! :muscle:

New Go Magic video! Capturing stones is important in Go. This new lesson will show you how to do it securely and neatly. One technique for many game situations. :dart:

:eyes: Watch now:


What Happens on First Line Stays on First Line :sparkles:

New Go magic Video! :movie_camera: There are many magical things happening at the edge of a Go board. Let’s learn how to deal with some standard first line puzzles. :jigsaw:

:eyes: Watch now:

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Divide and Conquer in Go :shield::crossed_swords:

New Go Magic video! Who would have thought that a military principle from ancient Rome could work well in Go! Learn about connecting and cutting and get much better control of the game. :joystick:

:eyes: Watch now:

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The first three lessons of our legendary long-awaited course about Kajiwara Takeo are finally ready! :tada:

:cherry_blossom: Kajiwara Takeo: The Giant Who Made Titans

The course is huge and we’ll be releasing it in several parts. Here’s some exciting news: you can buy the course at half price leading up to the final release! :star_struck:

Get ready to delve into the remarkable journey and unique style of Kajiwara Takeo. His incredible career path is waiting for you to explore! :fire:


:rocket: Dive into Season 2 of the Go Magic League! :rocket:

We’ve leveled up! Enjoy key updates to the Leago platform and an enhanced league format for a more immersive experience. Get ready for a 6-round McMahon showdown! :sunglasses:

:memo: Registration & Details: Leago

:spiral_calendar: Deadline: Register by Sept 2nd, 23:00 UTC.

:warning: Don’t forget to check the rules & conditions on the League page before signing up.


:movie_camera: What Should Matthew Film Next? It’s Your Choice.

As we fine-tune the course on Kajiwara Takeo, Matthew’s gearing up for the next shoot. Your voice matters — pick the topic!



:notes: Good and Bad Shape. A new video from the Go basics series! :point_down:


One Magical Point to Sort It All Out :crystal_ball:

A new Go magic video! It’s time to dive into another important aspect of Go that can really make a difference between… life and death. :crossed_swords:

:eyes: Watch now:

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:palm_tree: The Skill Tree keeps growing! What time is it? It’s time to go solve some problems of course.

:point_right:Go Problems | Go Puzzles | Tsumego — Level Up Your Go Skills


Give Up Your Stones and Reap Benefits :seedling:

New Go magic video! When straightforward moves don’t seem to work, you can try a sacrifice tactic. Your opponent will capture some of your stones and then… Magic begins! :crystal_ball:

:eyes: Watch now:

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The Discreet Charm of Simple Positions :sparkles:

New Go Magic video! Take a break from learning complex techniques and magical moves. There are many life and death situations where the status of stones cannot be changed, and you need to be aware of that. :brain:

:eyes: Watch now:

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No Eyes? Don’t You Worry! :raised_hands:

New Go Magic video! It’s time to learn a crucial life and death technique for a rainy day. Even if you don’t have two eyes, you can still make seki and live! Here’s what it looks like… :cloud_with_rain:


:fire: Check out this new piece from our regular author Jae Matson! This time it’s about the wonderful life of Iwamoto Kaoru.

:sparkles: What is he famous for? :sparkles:

  • He played the famous Atomic Bomb game in 1945.

  • He played a jubango match with Go Seigen.

  • He founded some of the biggest Go centers in the world several decades later!

Want to know more? Go read the article!


New Go Magic video! :fire:
“Is my group healthy enough to live?”
“Should I take care of it now before it collapses?”
Let’s end this anxiety now! :pill: