Go Memes Pedantry

Hum There are words on this bottom about

-the acoustic side
-collecting the blood

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Not a case for Go Memes Pedantry yet but to whom was the maybe not, for the sorry or for the ruined?!

#sorrynotsorry I reckon


Contradictio in terminis

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I don’t know in which of the two topics it is better to answer, I will do it here.
I was referring to ruining his day. And I was joking of course, if I thought I did that for real I would feel very guilty (yes, I’m that kind of player who can feel guilty about a victory).
I’ve played over 400 games with @Atorrante , a great player, and many times I’ve won (as many other times I’ve lost), I think I can think that he’s not a player who feels so bad about a defeat, otherwise he would have probably quit long ago.
Considering that (in my opinion) he was joking I thought I could joke too. I hope I haven’t offended anyone


Not sorry for sorry, then… :blush: {Edit} No offense here, we have the deliberated obligation to announcing ppl that there is also a Go Memes Pedantry. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was joking and you haven’t offended me.



Okay, so since you pride yourself on being a pedant and have a more than average interest in the correct details (in this case spelling), I wonder if m’iai is the correct spelling or not? Or is it maybe a word play? A typo?
Enlighten me please…

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It’s a reference to m’lady


It’s related to the “tips fedora m’lady” memes, where “m’lady” is a contraction of “my lady”. The general theme of those memes are cringe behavior of so-called “neckbeards”, a degrading term for undesirable males. The “m’lady” phrase has spawned various forms of meme wordplay where similar, facetious contractions are formed.

My meme is meant to be self deprecating, by casting myself as a neckbeard using the invented phrase “m’iai”.



Well, a neologism a day keeps the doctor away :slight_smile:

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(@BHydden to be fair, I waited for them to post once, and then you declared open rengo season, I would die if I missed it.)


Had to get in early, I’m about to go to work for 8 hours haha, can’t miss prime shitposting :wink:



It seems like with a more complicated design it might be possible to make a whole-board problem that is equivalent to tic-tac-toe.


this is actually not Go (on the left). gomoku is a different game, although it is also played with stones and a board, it’s like tic-tac-toe, but you need to put 5 in a row. there is also a similar game called renju, but its a bit more complex


Can someone explain me the difference between tesuji and haengma?

One is Japanese and the other Korean? :stuck_out_tongue:

A tesuji is a “tactic” in the chess sense. It is a move which is locally unintuitive, but which achieves a significantly more favorable result than the more obvious move.

Haengma means (I have been told) “movement”, and is the Korean word (as I understand it; I speak zero Korean) for “shape”, in the context of Go. So the knight’s move or iron pillar are haengma.

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