The worst part is that I don’t get it
P1? I don’t think so… Atari?.. The cut at N2?..
If it is Black to play and mess you up, I honestly don’t see it
P1 at least threatens the snapback on the outside, and I can’t read it out fully but possibly threatens a ko on the inside.
P1 looks nasty.
I think the key move first is Black at N1.
If White O1, then N2 O2 Q1 captures the 2 stones.
If White N2, then P1 begins a ko for seki with M1.
(or if White blocks at M1 in response to P1, then Black can make a snapback with Q2 and capture 2 stones.)
Edit : Like this, and it seems the best for both White and Black is that Black captures the 2 stones in gote.
(unless White really needs to fight the ko or has an abundance of ko threats)
In which case this is the ko :
I think both are correct definitions of “liberty”, and we use context to determine which is meant. One of the cool things about language is polysemy
So eh… what
In Japanese 局面 (きょくめん) can mean a position or state of a game - and I think that’s the Chinese meaning as well júmiàn which might be the intended language anyway.
Judging by @Sadaharu ’s response the rest must be some word play with 局 (assuming it still means something like situation and not bureau and other random things) and maybe homophones for women and children? Something like 女 or 子 or something else?
I suppose it depends. On a surface level anything involving something “morally” bad, whether from fiction or non-fiction and then used a meme could be seen as not funny for that reason.
But I guess it’s about a fictional character in a galaxy far far away. Some people might let it slide and maybe find it funny.
Is that the angle you’re coming from or another one?
Although I’m still trying to figure out the meaning and then maybe I can decide if I “get it”
The original scene is of course meant to be taken seriously as it depicts a main character admitting to horrific atrocities. However, I think the widespread pattern of making memes of this scene is often mocking the overall movie and prequel trilogy (criticizing its poor dialogue and storytelling and jar jar) for being so bad that it is hard to take seriously. Thus, many memes following this template have similarly made incredibly forced and atrocious puns.
Here is an example which also simultaneously mocks the wildly unpopular inclusion of loot boxes in a Star Wars video game that the game producer infamously defended as giving players “a sense of pride and accomplishment”
I will not hear you belittle high sith lord binks
The original scene wasn’t supposed to be funny, people just laugh at the bad writing and acting.
I am also super confused by @yebellz meme lol maybe he can explain it for us
局面 (kyokumen) is a Japanese Go term that I believe means “situation” or “whole board position”.
Replacing the syllable that sounds like “men” with “women” and “children”, tangentially references the original, but creates an intentionally absurd result.
I never thought of reading it in Japanese in the meme. I kept reading it as Chinese I thought it was a bit of a stretch lol
Shouldn’t it be an actual mountaintop where an avalanche is about to happen with the ground start to crack and split?
I took the liberty of moving this to the pedantry thread!