Go Memes Pedantry

You are very oriented on no respect of the opponent just going beyond the cheating aspects you mentioned before.
I don’t feel that when seeing the meme.
It’s not even a satire to me and i’m not considering crucial that a meme should follow some satire criteria.

A meme can just be enjoyable by illustrating something that you have experienced but you would probably not be happy to talk on it. In go losing a game with large difference of levels is so rare and unusual that the reference to a political anecdot largely relayed on medias was interesting in my eyes.

I’d tell them “because your liberties aren’t the places you can play on, but rather tell you the number of moves you are at liberty to ignore attempts to capture your group”


Of course technically with this definition, solidly living groups have infinite liberties, but that’s a happy tradeoff I’ll make since this also helps understand all the “pseudo-liberties” of capturing races as liberties under this definition

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Have you tried playing bullet chess on lichess? It’s chess with time settings so small that the only way to finish a game is to use conditional moves.

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…and then there’s hyper bullet :sunglasses:

But only if you have at least three stones!

3 stones + 2 hanes: 4 liberties

2 stones + 2 hanes: 2 liberties

1 stone + 2 hanes: 1 ko


This goban is exactly the perfect size for me to see all the cutting points and laugh at the joke!

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my profile:

(there was a bug once where instead of
“cancel” there was “accept” button on your own challenge)


There’s still at least one bug that allows you to play yourself.

I had this match moments ago. Fun fact, the game is apparently scored as a “Tie + Resignation”


Yes I know, but I also think that if you don’t know then unless someone points it out you’ll likely still be none the wiser.
Hopefully no-one will point out the smuttiness…


I also hate it when the timer goes 3628800, 362880, 40320, 5040, 720, …



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Unfortunately it isn’t available here at the moment.

Yes, they are related. Atari company’s name comes from the term atari, used while playing the ancient board game. The word atari means “to hit a target” in Japanese and is associated with good fortune; in Go, it indicates a situation where a player will be able to capture one or more stones of the opponent in the next move.

Walter Isaacson wrote a book about famous inventors in which he tells the history of the founder of Atari and also where the name Atari came from.
Read the book in Dutch, don’t know the English title.

You could kill by winning 2 kos… :thinking:

The mouse tries to disarm the trap head-on by playing R18


Where can I get this t-shirt?


I made a cleaner, bigger version for prin for you should you decide to do it: https://i.postimg.cc/mDPXmPG7/gojoyengl-upscaled-finish.jpg


4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1