Go Strategies

Except with seki, a stalemate like position where neither player may approach the others stones without disadvantage.


Or a close circuit first line group with 2 or more false eyes.

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I have a strategy: After your opponent places a stone, place one of your own.

But sometime, you will have to pass.


More real strategies:

  • Attack to gain territory: Attack your opponentā€™s weak group in such a way that you make territory while attacking. Especially useful if you are behind in territory and you need to convert potential into points.

  • Attack to gain power: Attack your opponentā€™s weak group in such a way that you build up strength facing their other weakness so you can then launch an invasion into the secondary weakness.

  • Complicate: Make lots of cuts and start lots of interlinked fights to try to force an exchange or even a mistake. Especially useful if you are losing.

  • Simplify: Firm up borders, eliminate your own weakness, avoid fights, etc. Basically, just reduce risk. Especially useful when you are winning.


Ask questions. When you know the answer, make it smaller.
Sacrifice. Many easy wins can be made by sacrificing. Leave the tail makes life more easy, and at times, gives you even more like sente (initiative)
Keep your freedom. Liberties are crucial donā€™t lose them unless you have a working plan in mind.


Negotiate. Your group A is fighting against your opponentā€™s group B. Your opponent attacks your group C. You fear that if you defend your group C, then your opponent will gain too much strength and will later be able to kill A. So you donā€™t respond to the attack, you kill B and let your opponent kill C.

Iā€™ve not played scrabble for years butā€¦


Was not :joy::joy:

Ha ha! Funny