Go Tarot

While I was wondering if my studying will actually help me improve - or not so much, I remembered this thread and decided I’ll also take a glimpse into the future. :wink:

This is the order of the cards in this spread:

So… My momentary relationship with Go is flourishing. I’m enthusiastic and full of energy (1 & 2). I’m aware that Go helps me find balance (3), and subconsciously, it’s all about learning and making progress (4).

In the recent past, I took Go very easy and was not serious about it (5). In the near future, I will experience some bitter wins - I’ll be kind of successful, but at the high price of disappointing others (6).

I’m coming from a bad time during which I lost many games (7). But now, there’s a positive influence regarding Go from my environment (8) - the card stands for growth and creativity. I look ahead with trust and confidence (9). And my future will be a loving relationship to the game (10).


I happen to have a tarot set but I’m not at home, I’ll contribute in a couple of days :wink:

I’d like a reading from the master though


Nice! And you also seem to prefer the Rider-Waite-Smith deck :smile:

So then I just had to pick a card, just one card, and it was this:

(Forgive the blurry quality, I didn’t check it immediately and only saw this on the big monitor, don’t want to take the deck out again.)

A story.

40 years ago I lived in the city of Hamburg, 60 km to the North of where I now live. I was politically active, left-ish, green-ish, anarchist-ish (which has nothing to do with violence though, make no mistake!), “Bunte Liste - Wehrt Euch!”, Anti-Nuclear movement, peace groups, “Basisgruppen” at university; so, mostly hippie peace-freak grassroots stuff.
One day, a comrade from one of those groups visited … saw my Tarot deck on the table, and began a fuming tirade about how I could “believe” in cards :laughing:
I waited for him to finish, then I took the deck and threw it against the wall — you should’ve seen his face then :laughing: — and told him that I don’t “believe” in cards, but that I believe in the power of our subconscious, which takes those fairy-tale-like imagery from the cards and tries to make sense of them in the context of one’s life. He was quiet then …

Thing is, I believe there is nothing “supernatural” about using Tarot (or the I Ching, etc.) … such techniques plug into our subconscious and stimulate it to make sense.

However I usually only do this for myself, only rarely have I assisted others when they had questions about their lives, and in such cases I never “interpreted” the cards and their imagery but asked the querent what they thought the image might have to do with their question and their life and circumstances … “look closely, do you see any hints in the symbols?”, etc.

I.e. I believe that any “master” wouldn’t tell you anything about yourself but rather ask, and thus assist you in finding out yourself.


The master? :thinking: Äh, you mean me? :joy:

What is your question for the tarot?


Whatever it believes I should know :woman_shrugging:t2::wink:


Is the early 3-3 invasion all it’s cracked up to be? :slight_smile:


Well, let’s see.
You are ready for something new, and at the same time, there happen to be new, inspiring impulses in your Go life (cards 1 & 2) - sounds like a great situation to begin with!

You are fully aware of how much you love this game (3), but on a subconscious level, there is also a lot of pain (4). Maybe due to your long-lasting DDK-status, with which you are not fully at peace?

Interestingly, card 5 is the same that I had in this position. Could be that you also haven’t been serious with your games lately, but it could as well mean that you have been very flexible and tried out something new. In the near future, you will be able to see things more clearly and gain better judgment in your games (6).

You feel a lot of fascination for Go and you can trust on your skills and your willpower (7). From your environment - the Go community, I suppose - , you experience love and support (8).
Card 9 is showing your fears or hopes. The Two of Wands here might mean that you don’t feel ready, you don’t feel prepared to move forward and improve your play.
You Go future holds conflicts and aggression (10). Let’s hope they’ll be mainly on the board and will help you practice fights!


I use the Modern Witch Tarot, which is relatively close to Rider-Waite-Smith. :slight_smile:

The Six of Wands - victory, success, good news. Nice! :smile:
In my deck, it looks like this: