While I was wondering if my studying will actually help me improve - or not so much, I remembered this thread and decided I’ll also take a glimpse into the future.
This is the order of the cards in this spread:
So… My momentary relationship with Go is flourishing. I’m enthusiastic and full of energy (1 & 2). I’m aware that Go helps me find balance (3), and subconsciously, it’s all about learning and making progress (4).
In the recent past, I took Go very easy and was not serious about it (5). In the near future, I will experience some bitter wins - I’ll be kind of successful, but at the high price of disappointing others (6).
I’m coming from a bad time during which I lost many games (7). But now, there’s a positive influence regarding Go from my environment (8) - the card stands for growth and creativity. I look ahead with trust and confidence (9). And my future will be a loving relationship to the game (10).