Go Style Horoscopes ☯

Free Horoscopes!

:aries: :taurus: :gemini: :cancer: :leo: :virgo: :libra: :scorpius: :sagittarius: :capricorn: :aquarius: :pisces:

In this thread, I will give people free horoscopes about their go playing style.

To receive one, please post:

  1. Your zodiac sign (you can make this up, if you don’t want to share your real one)
  2. A link to your profile page (even though I will completely ignore your game history and just make something up)

Zodiac sign: rat :rat:
Profile page



Today you may feel better equipped than usual to maintain a disciplined approach to whatever you may face in your games. Playing with others should be mostly pleasant. Do your best to play honte and mind urgent responsibilities. This will clear the way for games of fun without any guilt.


I already am not pleasant because I have like 10 games I’m going to lose soon and I’m just waiting for the right time to resign


But other then that it makes sense.

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Sorry, I can’t offer any warranty for these horoscopes. Please just enjoy them for their entertainment value.


Scorpion/Dragon :dragon: :scorpion: :scorpius:
Profile OGS: Groin

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Zodiac Sign: Ox :ox: (Is that a cow?)
OGS Profile: HHG

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scorpio I think or I googled the wrong thing

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Or am i too late >____>

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You may stretch yourself thin with commitments early in your games. Be sure you can deliver on all your promises. Haste makes waste. Your confidence can make you very demanding of your groups. Set practical and reachable goals. Glide through your games with patience. Changeable moods may confuse your dear opponents. Invite many people to play over this weekend. You are an excellent and thoughtful player. Enjoy catching up on the latest news.

Your profile name is “Groin”? Does that mean something different in another language?



Luck will be in your corners today! This can mean opportunities for ambition, making territory, and running fights. Be patient with stubborn situations. Hard work and patience will be necessary for the best results. This is a happy time to get involved with spiritual or creative groups. Expect to make new and interesting go partners.



You’re a dreamer at heart, Scorpio. You prefer not to think about material, territorial concerns. That explains why you tend to forget your weak stones and floating groups. You’re happiest if things get done for you. But circumstances today will force you to handle some of these mundane chores. You’ll feel better by day’s end just knowing you can be self-sufficient even if you don’t want to be.



Today’s planetary configurations are pushing you to get some perspective on your games and the life/death of your groups, Cancer. You must admit that you’ve been rather selfish lately. You aren’t the center of the universe, so why do you sometimes act like you are? This is a day to make amends with weak groups and neglected stones. They’ll welcome you back with open arms.


I got one as sagittarius, but I want one as Cancer and Dog as well.

My Norse rune is Fehu, but please only provide a reading if you have sufficiently studied norse runes, since their purpose is not to predict your fate but to call you to your heroic destiny (yes I’m quoting).



You may be less fearful or worried if optimism with good humor directs your moves. Indulge your natural curiosity in any area of interest. It’s a fantastic day to start any new game. The energy helps you discover practical honte. Your natural ambition will help turn opportunities to your advantage.


Don’t worry about not being on the right path, Cancer, because you are. You seem to always be in the right place at the right time. There’s no need to feel regret or shame about moves that have happened in the past. Turn negative games into lessons for a better future. Even though you may not be able to change a certain situation, you can at least change your reaction to it.


(I kinda hoped for the heroic destiny one as well, dear Pedant)


Please wait… I have to google and figure out Norse rune horoscopes.

Another forums user sent a private message to request a horoscope, presumably to remain anonymous. However, I will share their horoscope here, which may well apply to other Leos as well.


This is a day to be up front with your position, Leo. It’s possible that your game has reached some sort of stalemate. It’s up to you to get that fire burning brightly once again. How? You know the drill - focused time reading is all it takes. A consideration of direction of play, a careful tesuji, and you and your moyo are back in business.


My ascendant (?) is also Cancer, so other Cancers with different ascendants should take that into consideration.


Zodiac sign: Donkey
Profile: https://online-go.com/player/695886/