Go videos

I remember I wanted to watch it, but then they said lots of spoilers so I stopped.

I’ve watched the film since though.

Actually, I think it’s great just to have another video that might link people coming from watching Knives Out to Go and the pro scene in America say and NYIG school, as well as some quick rules explanation etc.

That said, I feel like the video could be good meme generation content. This is almost a meme :stuck_out_tongue:

and then “Let’s assume a game ended in this state…”

which of course could happen and you should probably know how to score it by agreement but… bug unresolved situation there :slight_smile:

I like the visualistions nonetheless

The commentary on the game itself is funny, like Black getting two moves in a row as they play next after this board state

and then White says “Why can’t I beat you in this game” :rofl:

I dunno, I think it probably is just a stylistic choice. There’s maybe one longer call that’s just chopped up and edited into the right places to reinforce ideas or narratives. I kind of think it’s fine.

There’s also that weird gomoku tangent where they have Ryan clarify that it is Go, and the video creator did this tangent before explaining the rule about capturing at a spot that would normally be an illegal move when it’s not the last liberty.