Go videos

Complexity explodes in your face.
That’s right it!

I can understand all different motivations, but I’m afraid they mean nothing to the viewer that doesn’t already know the game.

The only message that I think can be clear for everybody is “so simple, yet so complex”. It’s a riddle but also a sort of intuitive concept. We all just know that something can be “so simple, yet so complex”. Not just Go. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’ve been watching “12 week miracle” on YouTube. The basic idea is to take two beginners and make them KBA 7kyu in 12 weeks. The mentors are Cho Yeonwoo 1p and Kim Mansoo 8p.

Episode 1:



Ke Jie streaming, apparently


Playing weiqi and… Fall Guys - nice to learn too that he apparently enjoys Jojo`s Bizarre Adventures

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Is this the thread that we posted those? 'Cause there’s a new one.


I’m watching this and noticed the Meijin isn’t referred to by rank, only by title.

We had a post here (I think) explaining how titles work etc, but I can’t seem to find it, anyone remember?

See also Etiquette Title at Sensei's Library

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Ah yes, thanks!

This is the first Nick Sibicky pro review video in about eighteen months. I recommend you savour it, in case it’s another year and a half until the next one.


I see Ueno Asami, I click.

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Here are two short videos I made about interesting endgames on small boards! :slight_smile:


Was positively surprised by the response to my last video on reddit, so I made another one today :blush:

(hope it’s not too spammy to keep linking my own videos in this thread)


Hoping to make this into a series where I review both KataGo games and my own games on GoQuest, I think there’s a lot of instructive tsumego and endgame tesujis that come up naturally on 9x9 :slight_smile:


Part 2 in the 9x9 series :slight_smile:

I had this video idea for a long time, finally got around to making it today :smiley:


Part 3 in the 9x9 series, one of my own games this time! Featuring a pretty cool tesuji in the end that neither of us spotted.

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^^ fun one

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Another interesting watch :slight_smile:

There’s a corresponding best moves one too

Part 4 in the 9x9 series, featuring one of the top players on GoQuest :smiley:

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