Go Wars VS Go Quest on Android

Which one do you recommend for beginner? Why?


I don’t know go war. Goquest is easy and simple to play but I don’t have experience as beginner. I saw that there are some playing, I would gladly hear your feedback if you try it.

go wars is popular in Japan. I put the link above

I it’s to play only with AI?


Well I understand better then i’m quickly bored to play AI.
I would recommend 100% Goquest then (and avoiding AI)

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well, in Go wars we play against online player too. if we use “kishin”, AI will assist us for next 5 moves. (player and AI collaboration)

Seems more interesting then. I should have a check sometimes. What’s “kishin”? It’s just name of what you describe?

Just saw it’s on Google store, not for me sorry.

okay. (though it doesnt answer my question)

Go Wars only supports 9x9 and 13x13

If you’d like a free android game that supports 19x19, I recommend GOdroid:

It uses GnuGo as the AI engine which goes from ~12-15kyu at the weakest to ~8kyu at the strongest setting. Plays fast, has a nice/clean interface. No human/human online play - only for playing the bot on your phone.

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I’d recommend Go Quest because it is simple and fun to play with. It has an ad-hoc rating / incentive system designed to encourage beginners. It offers a lot of material to learn from while not playing (try browsing games by opening for instance), but no in-game analysis tools or AI assistant which is also a plus.

There is also BadukPop.


Go wars description says:
if you need assistance, Kishin, the world-class Go Artificial Intelligence (AI), will support you!
If you are in trouble, just tap!
Kishin will show you the best moves to take!

Does it happen while playing against human players? Shouldn’t it be considered as cheating?


To some people cheating comes naturally. Others have to work hard to get used to it. This app seems like a suitable solution for that latter group. :wink:

I don’t know of course. Maybe it’s some special mode both players agree to in advance? Still, it sounds strange to me …

its only for next 5 moves. and the kishin feature is limited. you need to pay to refill.
of course you can play without using kishin.

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Oh, I see.
Now it makes sense… :man_facepalming:


so have you tried both apps?

Q:Go Wars VS Go Quest on Android. Which one do you recommend for beginner? Why?

Lol lol lol. Need to pay to cheat yourself.

have you tried Go Wars?

other the kishin feature, it has suggested moves too. I think that will help beginner alot. usually beginners dont know which place is good move.
Go Quest doesnt have this feature.

the kishin feature seems like cheating, but the concept is human & AI collaboration (Human&AI VS human&AI).

please dont reply if you never tried the app.