Go World News

It’s a review, not a game.


Oh yeah… i guess sgf uploads must become games rather than demo boards? :man_shrugging: oh well, probably too quirky to fix easily

Nicely played Lukas! Solid game.

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What I like about Nakamura Sumire is surrounding at scale. Like this in yesterday’s game.

Play wide moves and let opponent try to prove you have no territory there.

Later in the game she played a cool move here.

After getting two moves at 8-4 and 9-5 from a ladder breaker this attachment is nice. Not sure why exactly. But white allowed black to cut through with 5-4.


Honinbo pro-ama battle. Surprising how quickly amateur started dying everywhere.


Yes, OGS confirms that everything died:


Female Kisei deciding game. Would you be more scared to play this game as black or white?


Go go, Nakamura! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Before this match I would have said Ueno, now however I have to reconsider. XD

(It would be a great honor and privilege to play either. ^^)

Yeah, everyone is taking pictures and talking interviews. First female title at 13. There’s still something to look forward to still. This title is NHK-style fast games. Naturally, younger sharp players have an advantage. I mean, Ueno Asami is 21 at this point, what do you expect. Fujisawa Rina is 24 and fast games noticeably disproportionally go bad for her. Long games on the other hand is another thing altogether. Fujisawa Rina regularly goes head to head with top Japanese players, I think.

/Can anyone understand what they’re talking about?

They actually mention they’re both 4-0 in Female Meijin league and naturally have yet to play each other. Should be soonish.


Last part of noodle cup is on. Yesterday Iyama Yuta tried to defend the honor of Japanese go against Park but didn’t work. He lost by 2.5 points or something, it’s way too sad, I didn’t even look at the game.

On the other hand Ueno Asami played with Nakamura Sumire. This game.

As you can see, in full length games Ueno Asami is still slightly stronger. It is close though, Sumire basically lost the endgame. Now Ueno Asami gotta just win the last game against Xie Yimin and then she challenges Fujisawa Rina for the title.


Park Ji Eun?

Park Junghwan.
Here’s the kifu.


In case anyone wanted to watch the past stream coverage :slight_smile:


Today there was this high-level game played. Rating-wise Fujisawa Rina had little chances so she had to try extra hard to win.

I think the game turned out very nice for people to learn from. Especially from the point of view of good shapes. Out of textbook fighting good shapes. For example, I thought this combination is pretty. When one plays you don’t always come up with something like this.

Nakamura Sumire played Fujii Koki. Fuji Koki never had any chance to begin with but it was a good try. The game is even throughout but pretty much always on Sumire’s side.

You can see interesting moves played.

And the last game Nyu Eiko vs Fukuoka Kotaro. One of those games where one misjudgment cost the game it seems.

I’m not sure what the misjudgment is. If black can play B and cut off the whole white group then what’s the meaning of A move. What A even does? The black is alive there, it seems we’re pulling out a useless stone?


Almost similar from a stream yesterday

though I think he wasn’t sure White could live in review.

But yeah the clamp idea to try force the ko or escape to the side is very cool. Probably would be tough to think of in my own games :slight_smile:

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Hum i dunno what white will do to live if black dismiss the futur ko and just connect (T8 T7 T9)

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Russian female championship. Kovaleva won the championship for 10th time. Kalsberg second. Check out the game between them. Absolutely decimated right out of the opening.

Dina and Virginia were missing from championship, sad. I think there would be a few more fun games.

Yanagihara Saki had her professional debut.

Oh my god, she is so adorable

Ueno Risa is getting good. Though in this game Nyu Eiko played way too conservatively, way too many stones in top-right.

Senko Cup is on and this means apart from the cool main tournament we also have amateur division. So far

Amy Song won against Gabriella Su
Jiani Lu won against Ngoc Cao
Laura Avram won against Nathanich Chantharojwong
Marz Manue won against Qing Yong

Marz’ game was cool.

First she cleverly sacrificed the corner to get all that influence.

And then used the threat of ko to get under white’s group.

And then she allows white this cut to separate all those black stones and make it into a capturing race.

Because she calculated that black gets an eye there and white has no eyes so eye vs no-eye capturing race.

In semifinal Amy Song won against Jiani Lu and Marz Manue against Laura Avram.

And Amy Song won in the final.

Australia can celebrate?

In main tournament nothing interesting happened. Pairing decided the results. Fujisawa Rin got to play Choi Jeong and of course Choi won. Chinese representative won against Nyu Eiko. Ueno Asami won against Taiwanese and Nakamura Sumire against Vietnamese.

Back in 2018-2019 Europe had a spot in main tournament. And now sponsors gave the spot to Vietnamese Quynh Anh Ha.


Nakamura Sumire tried so hard to win. She went head to head for the most part of the game and then allowed couple of slip-ups. It was a life and death battle so no slip-ups allowed.

It seems the last point where she could still stay in the game was this one. Sumire needed to solve this tsumego.

Btw, Ueno also lost so it’s Korea vs China final. Again.

Of course, it’s Korea vs China final but they do hold a match for 3rd place. Between Ueno Asami and Nakamura Sumire. And Ueno Asami shows once again that her defeat in fast go was a fluke.

Choi Jeong won in the final without too much difficulty.


Antti Tormanen played a game.

Whole game is just this one joseki it seems.


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