Go Zendo

The board is 7x7 now. I was actually thinking yesterday that even 5x5 might be slightly too big, but I trust @RubyMineshaft to come up with a manageable rule for us :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you guys (and girls) did great, honestly. You made very good observations and soon had all the ingredients needed.
Choosing such a difficult rule was a mistake on my part. I just thought it was interesting and wanted to try it, but I should have considered how frustrating this could be. Sorry about that.


I think bumping up to 7x7 would make this one easier. Might be hard to see the pattern in a 5x5.

Thanks for changing it :slight_smile:


I think the rule itself was really good, there was just some misunderstanding about how “outside of the box” we would have to think, mainly based on my initially stated assumptions which were a bit arbitrary.

It’s probably good idea if every new rule setter explicitly states their own parameters for the koans (for instance whether one wants to allow or avoid groups which apparently have 1 liberty) and what form the rule might take (whether it’s rotationally invariant and so on). Of course you don’t have to give any extra info about the rule, but it might be a bit tedious to start each game by checking for rotational invariance etc, so maybe it’s nice to give a few starting points to the players.


By the way, if anyone wants to make the tool better (either by making their own from scratch or improving mine), I would encourage that, I only know barely enough to throw together a functional board :slightly_smiling_face:


Alright. I don’t think it should be too terribly difficult. (I hope)
No assumptions have changed other than the board bumping up to 7x7.

These follow my rule:

imageuntitled (8)untitled (10)untitled (15)untitled (12)untitled (13)untitled (16)untitled (6)imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

These do not follow my rule:

untitled (7)untitled (9)untitled (14)imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage


It will be hard.

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Wait how do you make a 7x7 board there?

Guess: groups do not have overlapping liberties


Wait so early?

Reload the page :slight_smile:

I like the strategy of guessing early, since guessing late in the game was so hard :stuck_out_tongue:

At least here we can come up with good consistent rules.


Thanks (I almost typed that) I would have to wait until the next reset in other to do it.

My strategy is to guess the simplest rule that is consistent with the boards so far. If it’s wrong, we’ll get counter-examples from the rule creator, which might be more revealing than if we try to search on our own.

In the previous game, at the end, I couldn’t come up with any rules that were consistent with all of the boards.

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So we should think of rules that can be possible right now as the rule black has less stones then white .

Yes, I was just going to guess this as well. I’m confident it’s not the right rule, but how @RubyMineshaft constructs the counterexample might reveal some information.

I think we do have to start submitting boards now.


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Actually, never mind, I misread.

We should guess the rule:

Black has stones less than or equal to white

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