In the interest of moving this forward here’s a written hint:
Dead, Losing, Territory, Development
In the interest of moving this forward here’s a written hint:
Dead, Losing, Territory, Development
Now we have to count territory.
I’d like to know about this Koan please.
That has 25 territory in total which is more then a lot of green was
That’s red.
But this modification makes it green:
That will lose some of black’s territory
Wait so if one colour loses it is false and vice versa?
Apparently, I’ve reached the maximum number of edits, and I can’t edit anything for 13 hours.
@anoek pls.
No need to ping anoek. It’s a discourse limitation that I’ve reached.
Ok I’ll make a guess (although I’m not confident):
Is the rule:
“Either all rows and columns that contain at least three black stones have even distance to their nearest edge or odd distance to their nearest edge” And the same for rows and columns containing at least three white stones.
Anoek can give you edits.
If not I can tell coding horror if he sees my message.
That is very close, but not quite it. Let me come up with a counter example.
I believe there are already many counterexamples xD
Edit: For example red Koans where no row and no column contains three stones of the same color.
Wait i think moderators have infinite edits.
I don’t know if that counts as a counter example, but two more koans anyway.
So what is so special about that white stone?
Maybe if white gets there white will have too much territory?