Go Zendo

Ah I see. With distance to the edge, I meant the distance of this row or column to the “edge-row” or “edge column”

Ah ok, that makes a bit more sense to me now so.

You’re almost there. You just don’t need to count stones.

I think the question is, is it equivalent to your rule or are there any cases where it’s different?

@martin3141 In this one, rows 4 and 5 have one white stone but they’re not equally close to the first and last row?


I hope this should clarify the distance I was talking about. Basically a concept of distinguishing between “first column”, “second column” etc.


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Yes but they have less white stones than column 2

If I leave away the stone counting, the rule becomes this:

All rows and columns have the same distance to the edge.

… ? :sweat_smile:

Does this one fit what you’re saying? I still don’t think I completely understand.


There is exactly one row that contains the maximum number of black stones among all rows and columns, namely the 7th row from the top. Since this is the only such row, that’s fine.

Then there is exactly one row that contains the maximum number of white stones among all rows and columns, namely the first row from the top.

If there are two rows / columns that contain the maximum number of black / white stones among all rows and columns, then my rule demands that they have the same distance to the edge.

I think this needs to be heavily rephrased.

For each column, count the number of black stones in that column and pick the columns which have the most stones, lets say c stones in them.

For each row, count the number of black stones in that row and pick the rows which have the most stones, lets say r stones in them.

Now examine the rows or columns based on which is bigger, r or c, if they are equal pick both.

This probably satisfies @martin3141’s rule right?

No, at least not the rule I intended to formulate.

Edit: Because the columns 3 and 5, which both contain the maximum number of black stones, have distance 2 to the edge. However the columns 1 and 7 have distance 0.

Oh so you mean, that there can really only be at most two rows or two columns then that can have the maximum number of stones in them?

Well yeah that’s an implication of the rule.

this one then? (I can understand the difficulty in trying to put this into words)

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I apologize for the confusion. I didn’t formulate the rule very well.

Last Try:

All black stones are on the First line or all black stones are on the second line (Where the second line extends to the edge of the board) or … third line … or … fourth line …

Same for white

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I’m not sure I can do a better job explaining. The examples helped.

So more or less, count the stones of one colour in all rows and columns, and single out the rows/columns which have the most stones of that colour. Rows and columns are treated the same at this stage. After selecting these rows and columns, they should all contain the same number of stones.

For the board to be green, there must be no more than two rows or two columns in the selection. If there is only one row selected it needs to be the middle row. If only one column is selected it needs to be the middle column. If two columns are selected they must be equal distance from the closest edge column. If two rows are selected they must be equal distance from the nearest edge row.

Something like that but I don’t know how to shorten it :stuck_out_tongue:


The way I have the rule worded is:

All stones of one color must be the same distance from the edge of the board. – i.e., they must be on the same line (1st line, 2nd line, 3rd line, etc.).


That was a tough one :smiley: