Go Zendo

Wait but I think the rule has something to do with black.

Another hint: swapping the colours will not change whether a koan is good or bad.

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The will be at least a group every board that has more then three liberties.(silly guess but we need more hints)

Does this rule potentially allow some illegal positions?

I assumed that we were working within the universe set of legal board positions.

So out of the boards I circled

Why are all of them green no matter how we changed it there.

But why are the ones circled there red?

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Ah, yes, my mistake. Removing any white or black stone from that to make it a legal position will not change that it is red.

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  So if we do the same modifications made in the green ones I suppose it will still be red , right?

I will be ignoring @李建澔2 in this thread until some other players are joining with guesses, this is starting to take up too much of my time.

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Maybe we should establish some rules about submitting Koans or guessing rules. The original game has rules along those lines, right?

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Yes, I think something like:

  • one person needs to wait for other people to join in before requesting a new koan,
  • guessing a rule is always allowed,
  • guessing a rule that all green koans satisfy (or a rule that all red koans don’t satisfy) is always allowed, so that sub- and supersets of the rule can be established.

Probably exceptions could be made for one person guessing very similar koans, such as koans with just one stone different.


I don’t think it’s very fair to ignore a player just because they’re more active than others.

I’ve found @李建澔2’s submissions to be helpful. If it’s taking too much time perhaps it’s better to just check in when you have time to go through everything.


I’m fine with answering koans, and the submissions are useful, but I felt I was just communicating with one player here. It’s a game for everyone, after all, and I would like to give others the option to join.

Besides that, I have the feeling that answering 李建澔2’s koans would never stop, and that I would be colouring boards for the next few hours, but that might just be me.
It’s better to think deeply for a while, come up with a sensible guess, and test that. It feels most respectful to everyone’s time.

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I agree with your proposed rules for the most part, but don’t you think that the Master has more work when someone guesses a rule, than when someone submits a koan? I would suggest the following:

1.) Players may not submit Koans twice in a row (i.e. they have to wait for another person to submit a Koan or guess a rule)

2.) After a player submits a Koan, the Master may grant this player a guessing stone (this could be signaled by a “Like” on the post). Guessing stones may be expended in order to guess the rule.

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I agree, but it is a lot harder to come up with a rule than to submit a koan (and it becomes harder and harder when the number of koans increases). Also, disproving a rule is more fun for the Master as well.

I’d much rather answer 10 rules than 10 koans. Moreover the rules give a lot more information than the koans do.


Fair enough. From now on I will play assuming these rules are established.

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Good news:I have to sleep soon then when I wake up it is almost school (well it is Saturday but I still have a lesson on Saturday.

So you are saying we should guess rules now?

I’m saying that other people should have a chance to play as well, but if you can find a rule that all green koans satisfy, or a rule that all red koans don’t satisfy, then go ahead :slight_smile:

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I’m trying to come up with such a rule, but I can’t see anything right now. Would it be possible to give a hint on what sort of properties the rule considers, without giving too much away?

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