Go Zendo

It’s difficult not to give anything away, since the rule is so easy (to formulate, not to guess). But I can give a hint: no counter example exists with less than 6 stones on the board.


Just checking I understand correctly: Every board with less than 6 stones is green?

Correct. Incidentally, the more koans there are with many stones (≥6), the easier it will be to guess the rule.

Are we still allowed to submit koans? Or are we only permitted to guess rules?

Of course, koans can be submitted any time :slight_smile:

just not 15 consecutively by the same person


Oh good, I only have 14 prepared. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’d like to see how these stack up:



All green :slight_smile:

I’m wondering if it’s safe to assume that boards with only one color stone are always green.

Not a question, just thinking out loud.

You could suggest it as a subset rule, but if you want it to stay an unconfirmed thought, I will leave it at that.

I’ll leave it at that for now unless someone else wants to know for sure. It’s more fun to me to test my ideas by submitting koans.

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I will try to figure out a red one color board

Does translating either of these make a difference?


Nope, the left is still green, the right still red.

This was a red one with the white frame what If we made it have a black frame.Btw the notifications were haze typing a command in discord.

I would like to make a guess. The rule I’m guessing sees stones as points and uses some geometry. Is the rule …

“The convex hull of black stones intersected by the convex hull of white stones has empty interior”


(Sorry if I’m using too mathematical of language :sweat_smile: … no interior ~ no area, i.e. a line is allowed)

Edit: It might come as a surprise, but I believe all revealed Koans so far work with this rule.
Edit2: Wait I take that back … just found a counter-example.


untitled (1) untitled (2) untitled (3)

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To Vsotvep it should be ok

All green koans satisfy your rule, but not all red ones. There was already an example as well (the last red one), but here’s another one:


I see. I thought of this rule because you said every red Koan has at least six stones. This is also the case with my suggested rule, where in order to have non-empty interior, there have to be three black stones forming a non-degenerate triangle, as well as three white stones forming a triangle.

Yes, very smart. You’re close to the answer. Now try to find a trivial case of your rule that can be formulated easily (and is understandable for non-mathematicians :stuck_out_tongue: )

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