Guess rank game


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I’m gonna weigh in at 9k, but I’m worried I’m shooting a bit high…

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There were some higher level moves in there, so im gonna say 1kyu

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Note to self: bugcat self identifies as a rude person :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, that is all, carry on :slight_smile:


:< Didn’t see your post, woops.

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I had never noticed before, but that’s a 21x21 board! Or perhaps the lines are drawn slightly too long


Either the lines are drawn too long of the star points are at 5-5 instead of 4-4, so I would go for lines too long


think its an SDK game, I feel like all the stones have been shifted down 1.
Im going to say 8kyu

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These moves are played by people that have seem them before and can replicate them, but don’t understand a thing about what they’re doing or why.

I’ll say 9k.

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I feel better about myself, I thought I was over shooting their ranks lol

Hmm… 11k?

Edit: I didn’t notice the 0 + 5x25 time settings, so I’m probably way low. I’ll stick with it though

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Ill say 6k, even though move 26 makes me doubt that.

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I’ll guess 8k.

I think black was expecting to get everything around move 91, then got disheartened when white managed to live and gave up while ahead (lizzie says black wins with 90% on the last move).

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Lord_o_o_Spoon - 1k
Gurxtav - 4k
kickaha - 6k
seminyoon11 - 8k
Vsotvep - 8k
Mekriff - 9k
Kaworu Nagisa - 9k
RubyMineshaft - 11k

The answer was…


In fact, as S_Alexander figured out, this was a game I played in September 2018. Thanks for the headshrink, guys :wink:

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Hello everyone!

Lets do another guess rank game:

(Sorry BHydden, you can get the next one)

Forgot to post the time, 10 min + 5x30sec


Fellow rude person~!


Technically 24 hours passed since he made that post and we both gave him more time to find a game :slight_smile:

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True ^^

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My feeling is that the players are either too weak, or too strong, for me to understand their play. Either way I don’t think they’re in my level of mid-SDK
Moves 15 and 17 feel like something a slightly greedy DDK would play, but at the same time it could be a dan with more understanding than me about how to attack White’s shape.
Black’s triple tenuki in the lower right is just something trending in the metagame right now and liable to be tried at a number of levels.
They play a joseki in the lower left but one that’s well-known.
I find it strange that Move 34 is so close to the strong upper left group and even stranger that Black “armpit hits” it at B13, and even odd that White answers directly.

Gonna go ahead and say
