Guess the black stones

Turns out this was a lot less convenient for me than I thought :sweat_smile: Copy pasting all the links gets a bit messy… maybe we can do it with a wiki post in the future, so it’s all in one place?

Anyways, here are the results from this round:

Real game

(click board for more details)


Naturally, the lower right corner was a lot harder to guess than lower left or upper right. @claire_yang was the only one to guess Q3, and @bugcat was the only one to guess R9 :smiley:

Boring stuff about the tool

This is what I put in manually this time:
(copying and pasting each player’s coordinate string from their guess)

Then the program automatically makes the heatmap, calculates each players score, and generates the formatted scoreboard:

So it’s somewhat functional right now, and another person could in theory host a round like this too. But I should probably make the tool slightly more user friendly first. Having each user input their own guess into a wiki post would definitely make it a lot more convenient.

Any player is welcome to start the next round, with or without the new tool :slight_smile:

If you do want to use the tool, just go to and input the white stones by holding down shift and clicking/dragging on the board. Then share the link, and optionally an image of the board (right click on board -> copy image -> paste into your forum post). Then you or someone else can make a wiki post afterwards where everyone can put their guess into a table. We’ll figure out the rest as we go!

And if you prefer to do it the old fashioned way, counting scores manually, that’s completely fine too! I think the heatmap can be interesting sometimes, but we don’t have to have one for every round.


Hahaha I forgot to ask, was this the usual “2 for correct, -1 for wrong”?

And I switched the stones on the bottom left because I always get the wall wrong LOL

1 Like

I went for +1 for correct, -1 for wrong. (this is of course easy to change for future rounds, if someone would like to use a different scoring)


I’d like to make the next one, now that I took (shared) top place fair & square for the 1st time!



I tried to make a less difficult one.

18 black stones are missing. You get 1 point per correct guess. You will get no negative points for wrong guesses, but I will substract 1 point for every black stone that exceeds the target of 18 stones.

A bit of background info: This is a game between 2 famous pros, played almost 20 years ago.

See instructions by @le_4TC:


Let’s try to collect all guesses in this post, to save @gennan from having to copy all our different links separately!

This is a wiki post, so everyone should be able to edit it. Add your guess below my example below by writing [your name](link to your guess) on a new line. If this doesn’t work for you for some reason, just share a link or an image to a board in your own reply, and then I can add it here later :blush:



Comments on my guess

Some strategic guessing (based on the points system) in the lower right corner; clearly there’s not both a 3-4 and a 4-4 there, but hopefully one of them is there. So I’d rather get one secure point there than guess blindly what’s up in the top right.

(with the old +1 -1 point system, I would maybe place only the upper right 3-6 stone for the whole right side)

Some obvervations about this point system
  • Below 18 stones, adding an extra stone is either +1 or +0 to your score.
  • At or above 18 stones, adding an extra stone is either -0 or -1 to your score.

So if the goal is only to maximize your score, there is no reason to place anything else than exactly 18 stones :slight_smile:


I actually kind of like this points system. I feel like it encourages us to put down the right number of stones. I think even with the other ones, where there was negative marks, I’d still try put down the right number of stones, just because. I don’t really gain anything by topping this table, but it does make me think a bit harder I find, when I have to go – “Wait I’m still short a stone, maybe I need to rethink some of these placements”.


@gennan and future hosts, you can now visit this link to generate your own results at the end of the round.

  1. Input the “correct solution” on the regular page where people make guesses, and paste that url in the topmost field.
  2. Copy the whole list of users and their guesses from the wiki post and paste it into the big textbox.
  3. Click on the board to generate the heatmap and scoreboard.
Example (with spoilers for all guesses so far this round)

For demonstration purposes I used my own guess as the “correct” link :innocent:


Do @claire_yang, @Gia and @bugcat still want to make an attempt?


I’m alright.


I’ll skip this one


Taking turns according to the Thue-Morse sequence, presumably?

Lee Sedol 3p (w) vs Lee Changho 9p (b), w+7.5, LG cup 2003

Heat map:


So the upper left was easiest, guesses in the lower left were also fairly close (although most missed the high double approach) and everyone guessed R14 correctly.

Player Score
@mark5000 :trophy: 16
@Harleqin 13
@martin3141 13
@le_4TC 12
@shinuito 9

@le_4TC’s “strategic” guessing in the lower right didn’t really pan out, because he managed to miss black’s actual shimari :wink:


That’s some impressively bad guessing by me in that corner :sweat_smile:


Screenshot 2021-03-10 085739

14 black stones are missing. Correct placements are two points. Incorrect placements lose one point.

You may share your attempt in any format. If you want to participate in the heatmap, see @le_4TC’s instruction below:


My Guess

Some comments (spoiler warning)

I’m thinking there is a running battle happening in the lower-right, which is the focus at the moment. In this light, the white stone L3 makes sense to me, otherwise it would be too close to the white wall. There should be two black stones in the upper-right, but it’s difficult to guess which shimari exactly, so I decided to only place a stone at 3-4.


IME @le_4TC’s heat map & scoring tool works well if the guess link has the username as title, like this:


Comments on my guess

The lower left is a familiar shape. But the lower right looked unfamiliar initiallly. Then it dawned on me that this is probably a 2-space high enclosure joseki/variation. From there it was a matter of fitting the final pieces to the puzzle.
I have a feeling that my guess may be correct. I even dared to give a move order.


And some comments

-I wonder if I will ever get the side of the wall right.
-For some reason I wanted that on the right to be a double hane.
-I’d like to imagine the last move is a 3-3 invasion, and B thought they were being bold and stuff. But that’s just me and my imagination. Now that I think of it it’s probably C16 and not C17, but I’ll roll with it :woman_shrugging:


Indeed, and ideally the links should be in a wiki post (I don’t think copying a link from a post gives both the link text and adress, unless you’re quoting). With a wiki post the host simply goes to edit it to get all links in the right format :slight_smile:

So let’s collect guesses here! Add your own like this:

  1. Prepare your link on the guessing page.
  2. Press edit on this post and make a new line on the bottom.
  3. Insert a hyperlink with the image button.
  4. Paste your guess link, and put your username as the title.

