Guess the black stones

I applaud anyone who managed to make sense of this, I couldn’t keep up with my own guesses. Stones somewhat in order placed, but not really.

Guess/ also as a variation in game chat- maybe

And some thoughts

-3 out of 4 4-4 points are taken, way to take away an easy answer :crying_cat_face:
-It helped me to place numbers and then stones on top, to keep track of what I was thinking.
-I only put 18, after that I gave up, any move I saw as possible led to an atari or was too close to other stones to make sense this early in the game.



Full game

White’s P15 move is indeed a bit strange-looking. It seems like a case of wanting to connect very efficiently, but it ends up leaving too many problems, eventually causing white’s loss!

There seems to be two reasons for white to resign in the final position:

  1. The semeai between black’s corner group and white’s center group is in black’s favor. Even if white could start taking liberties right away (with R17 or something), it would be a direct ko with black taking first.
  2. White can’t start taking liberties right away, because then black will capture the O18 stones! Can you see how?
