Hi Folks. I would usually try to submit this message with question to the admins. … But it seems impossible to find out how on this site!! Oh well. For a good laff (laugh, giggle) take a look at …
I hit “reject” about 8 times (…and so did my opponent). I was playing on the OGS app on Android. Okay, some bug. Sign out then sign in again. Nope. Same problem. Connected on website to see if I could message the admins. No link or option noticed by me!! Okayyy. Go back into app and just hit “accept” and it will “fix itself”. Oups! DUH! Pretty stoopid assumption on my behalf.
“The” Question: Any idea how I can get this reversed / contact admins !?!?
All the best and keep playing Go. Ahhhgrrhh!! Why are there only 24 hours in a day!? 
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@moderators can annul your game, but cannot reverse the outcome.
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Assuming no one cheated, this is the known Autoscore Bug, extant since August 2020.
I think it’s significant they’re using the third party app and not the browser, right?
I have annulled the game for you.
A few questions/theory.
Were you both playing on the Sente App? That app doesn’t autoscore, you need to mark the dead stones stones yourself. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! It avoids the app trying to send a different autoscore outcome to the browser than the browser thinks, which has caused issues previously.
It seems that in general there might be issues with autoscore if two different systems are trying to do it (i.e. if players are on different platforms). If both players are on Sente, Android app, then there is no autoscore by design.
When you went to the browser, did you click the autoscore button? That should kick off auto scoring, if it did not then I don’t know what the problem is.
Edit: See various previous threads about the advantages of owning players to mark dead stones themselves, for example Improving OGS' scoring system - #14 by Uberdude