Help us Beta Test some new infrastructure!

Howdy folks! We’ve been hard at work on some less visible changes to OGS. As part of building out OGS, implementing the features that we want/need, and fixing some of the more annoying bugs we’re planning an infrastructure migration.

We’ve outgrown the hardware that OGS currently runs on and the limited geographical reach of our current hosting provider means that scaling out our services to be closer to our players isn’t really possible.

This is where you come in, we’ve redeployed our beta service to our new infrastructure but we’d love to have your help testing it out and making sure it’s stable and performant… so if you are interested, head over to the beta site[1] and play some games, join ladders and tournaments. This will let us get some good data and information as we prepare to migrate our production site.

We’ll also be keeping everyone posted on when we’ll be performing the production site migration. After that you’ll start seeing some of our new big upcoming features land on our beta site.


Current known issues:

  1. Anything from the production site (it’s running the same code-level)
  2. Profile pages generate error popups (500 errors)
  3. Missing flags

I just tried to log in using Google Auth and got an error about the URL redirect not being setup. I sent an e-mail with the exact error.

meh probably so… can you sign up without google auth? I don’t think I ever did hook up those social auth accounts.

No problem. I registered manually.

I think the way rank is estimated based on years playing could be very discouraging to people who are behind that track.

This is really hard to see, I understand it is the default? I could barely tell where the lines were.

Signing in via Twitter also failed, but I guess that’s the same issue as the Google OAuth one :slight_smile:

But other than that, a live game went off successfully and I don’t see any problems in a ladder game I just started. :+1:

Login fails with Edge browser, okay with Chrome.

I know there’s the popup error with the profile page, but it doesn’t show any games in the history.

Also games that are finished are still showing on the games screen after the score is accepted by both players.

log in fail with facebook account

That board type is not the default… the kaya one should be default for you.

What is the error with Edge browser?

Error when login in with Google:
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Application: Nova
The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. Visit to update the authorized redirect URIs.

Huh, that’s weird, since I created a brand new account and immediately began playing. I also don’t use that board on my regular account at all.

log-in failure with chrome (logging in by username / password)

On google chrome android, it is not possible to scroll (down/up) in the following link ( till you click one of the available games (and it’s pop-up opens).

It does not matter if you are in vertical or landscape mode.

On google chrome android, the sound test button does not work. However, even though there is no sound, the sound interface of the operating systems thinks there is one (until you stop it forcefully, through the drop down menu).

PS: i tried to upload a screenshot but it wasn’t possible on mobile. It shows 100% but does not complete.