Hide UI spam?

Is there a way to hide all this UI spam that’s blocking what I want to do? I don’t want any of this tournament stuff.


I guess, but it is indeed a bit much in this case.



Perhaps someone could encourage the organizer to create an umbrella forum thread for everything and link to that. (I must have turned these off though bc I don’t see it)


I think it’s good that they have all these streams. Perhaps there should be a better way to show them without them being so irritating.


If we look at the OP’s image,

it’s possibly not the centre part that’s the issue, but the popover notifications on the right I would think, since those actually obscure other parts of the UI, possibly even clocks or games etc.

Additonally, one can the problem with the homepage, which was highlighted a few times, that if you don’t play correspondence it’s almost pointless, and duplicates info now found elsewhere.

One could imagine offloading that part of the notifications homepage to it’s own decidated page like the GoTV one. Maybe with some tweaking it could show the demo boards even like the watch page and you could preview several of the games?


I believe the counter argument is usually that users are often not on the home page, and many of these notifications are time sensitive.

Though I’d be in favor of pushing all that into the notification bell, so the user can decide when to check it of their own accord.

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Isn’t this a good place to put all those stream notification?

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-08-26 om 17.31.57

Yes, they can get very annoying when you are playing or watching a game because a lot of important information is on the right-hand side.

Perhaps they can be added to the normal notification button (the bell icon)? And they will only show when the user clicks on it. Those who are interested will click on it, while those who are not will just dismiss them or ignore the notifications altogether.

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Announcement priveleges should be revoked from people who spam like this.


Maybe a counter counter argument is that if they’re not on the home page then maybe they’re busy anyway :stuck_out_tongue: A game, chatting, puzzles etc.

But if there’s one place to see all of a certain kind of notification, like all of the demo board links

like if only certain banners showed as popups, and the rest only show in this single location (home or a new page), then all you have to do is link to that. It does seem silly to link to the homepage, but of course, being able to create a link to each demo board etc is already functionally there, and doesn’t necessary need to be offloaded to the forums.

It just needs

*one can see the problem.

There is almost no other use for the homepage at the moment, for anyone not playing correspondence.

There was a lot of related discussion in this thread


I like that you can to watch high amateur or professional games transcribed live on ogs, but I think that current UI solution isn’t suitable or good enough for this.

To make live game available you need to use stream notifications for each game which, if games exceed certain number, starts to clutter UI. Making it either cumbersome to navigate for interested players or annoying for those who aren’t interested in tournament games (one such case: Hide UI spam?).

I suggest adding new tab in Watch section called “Tournament games” or something similar. Like it’s made on Fox or Tygem where you can see live pro games, but as a separate page.
New tab will be situated here (red outline).

Also it would be extremely convenient if you could by hovering over a game see small preview window pop up like it’s made in user home page.

So at the end you’ll have separate transcribed tournament games tab with all necessary information like: rank, name and country; and it will be easy to preview games instead of opening every single game in a separate browser tab.

Just to clarify, I’m not trying to singlehandedly rock the boat or overhaul status quo of ogs UI. Instead I want to create an opportunity for a discussion and provide food for thought about how UI could be improved.