How to make TNL better?

The April break didn’t affect me, though I think for a lot of others it did. I’m noticing a great increase in the number of people in my class who don’t respond to scheduling requests in a timely manner.

Scheduling can still be a hassle. If one of the players is playing at unusual hours then it is likely there won’t be a review. Most of my games have gone unreviewed. Breaking out by timezone or changing the class structure (perhaps similar to @benific23’s suggestion) might work to fix this, but I would rather not break out by timezone.

I agree with @grayson’s comment that absence of reviews is the biggest drawback to the league. Some of the original concerns about the league (expressed here by @LinuxGooo and @sefo) were that weaker players need reviews by stronger players, and stronger players need incentives to review and teach. I don’t think those concerns were ever satisfactorily addressed in the planning stages, and as such nothing ever materialized to help set the league apart from just offering an open challenge.

I do appreciate the community that I feel has developed among some league members. I think it’s a great foundation for an awesome league and it’s why I continue to participate. But l wish there was more learning opportunities to help rescue me from DDK hell.

As regards the list for June TNL: E & F are valuable to me, and potentially A. All others I vote no.

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