Hunting at Night: The 1st 25x25 Tournament

Seems like the 3rd round just started.

Looks like I’ll be either up against @_KoBa or against @yebellz next, if I win.

  • Yes, interesting observation. I recently started a 37x37 game (on the Little Golem Game Server) and my opponent (hypercube) is playing for the huge center, and I’m playing in a more traditional (19x19) style of play (get territory in corners first, then extend down the side) but we are only 32 moves into the game, so I won’t know the results for about a thousand more moves… We are making about 4 or 5 moves a week, so about 200 more weeks… I’m about to finish my first 37x37 game, but in that game we both played in a more traditional manner (IMO)… So, I’m wondering (thinking about) the same.