Wooohooo, finally!
F… I got an opponent who timed out on all of his recent games.
(edit: and that was in October 2020, I see…)
Would anyone like to play an extra 25x25 game against me? (Correspondence, please )
@KAOSkonfused Challenge sent. (Live!)
I forgot to say, I can’t play right now and I also strongly prefer correspondence games. But thanks for the offer!
You can challenge me whenever you want for a correspondence 25x25 with comfortable timesetting.
Challenge sent!
Im up for another 25x25 game, just drop me a challenge ^^
I’m up for a 25x25 TMG game if anyone wants that.
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- Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment
- Telegraph Media Group
- Toyota Motorsport GmbH
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- Vetture Toyota da competizione
- Vetture Sport prototipo
I suppose!
Are you suggesting Thue-Morse on 25x25? :o
Of course! Want to play? I have justifications for that size choice on the TMG thread if you’re dubious.
It might be a bit taxing for me…
I’d be up for a 25x25 TMG game, but I’m a bit short on time lately…
How is it going? Still in the second round?
20 games left
I’ve never tried 25x25 Go. Frankly, the complexity scares the crap out of me. Have people developed joseki for the 25x25 board? I’m not even sure the traditional corners, sides, center, play order is correct strategy on a board this big. I’m so used to thinking 3rd-line=territory, 4th-line=influence, I’m sure it would affect my play.
I’m pretty sure that the knowledge we have accumulated on 19x19 will be still very useful on 25x25 in some way.
Now it’s pretty exciting to have new perspectives to explore. It’s great to have that many games and I hope this will set some hypoteses and even theories to help how to manage these larger board(s).
Three games left, pretty late into middle game already. We might be playing the next round in a couple of months.
Two games are pretty interesting, the third goes to the “how do I tell my opponent the game is over” topic.
Hey, we have last game left.
Anyone dares to count?
Edit: I mean, if black accepts that their giant black group is dead, they should resign.