Hurt/Heal Fuseki

Updated to yebellz’s post.

heal : Swedish
hurt : sanrensei

Heal swedish
Hurt sanrensei

heal nireinsein
hurt swedish

hurt swedish
heal chinese

Heal miyamoto
Hurt yonrensei

Updated to legas’s post.

Goodbye, Sanrensei; dwyrin would be proud. :slight_smile:

May perpetual light shine upon you, sanrensei.

Hurt shusaku
Heal small (mini) chinese

+Cross Hoshi

Because Go Seigen has remarked that cross hoshi with tengen as the third move is actually the best sanrensei, let’s try to keep that in the game…

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heal Jabberwocks (I actually want to try this out and it seems like there’s some good joseki theory behind it)
hurt yonrensei

By the way, hurting sanrensei before yonrensei makes sense because the fuseki is about the more recent moves as follow-ups to prior movements. I dislike making sanrensei, but once you’ve made it, yonrensei isn’t the worst choice.


Hurt Chinese
Heal MK2 Kobayashi

Updated to VincentCB’s post.

I think you hurt the MK2 Kobayashi instead of healing it :slight_smile:

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And what’s wrong with that? :smirk:

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Hey, I actually LIKE these “boring” openings! :smiley:

Hurt: Swedish
Heal: Kobayashi

hurt: sub-othodox formation
heal: jabbeworks

I have fallen in love with it :3

Hurt yonrensei
Heal Chinese

edit: looks like Swedish should already be dead, so I changed my hurt vote

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Heal : orthodox

Hurt : sub orthodox