Hurt/Heal Fuseki

Yeah, but I’m so far convinced that that’s the only reason why people are upvoting it in the first place, i.e: “I’m voting for a ridiculous pattern because it’s ridiculous, LOL”

Similarly, I assume that a lot of weaker players are voting against the low Chinese for the unstated reason that they have a bad taste in their mouth from every single game in which they’ve mishandled a very conventional territorial framework. They also may want a ‘whiz-bang-pop’ game in which big groups die and think that they accordingly should pick strategies that are extremely obligated to play for influence.

I disagree with both of these inferred patterns of thought, and so and am voting accordingly.

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Hurt: Chinese
Heal: Orthodox

Geez, someone’s a nice chap to have fun with… Try taking this topic less personaly. Here’s a secret : if your favourite fuseki is eliminated, [whispers] it’s not a big deal !

Heal Cross Hoshi
Hurt Sub-Orthodox

No doubt a lot of us feel strongly about our fuseki preferences. Nevertheless, let’s have fun with this game and not insult each other.


Hurt Sanrensei
Heal Kobayashi

It seems that somewhat more hurt attention has been focused on the more well known fuseki. Perhaps this trend may lead to the less well known fuseki surviving to later rounds.

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The Chinese is not my favorite fuseki. Is the Swedish your favorite fuseki? Is it a big deal if it is criticized as a relatively unthoughtful choice?

Obviously people can choose their “favorite” pattern according to whatever criteria they like, but in this sort of lightly competitive game, that means that there will inevitably be some discussion over the issue of what criteria should be used.

Put another way, my vote doesn’t matter so much in comparison to my ability to explain my reasoning and promote my preferences to others. The thread is also more interesting when we discuss not just what we choose, but why we choose it.

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Yes, I notice this too. There’s a possibility that nirensei may survive because it feels like no plan at all in many ways, but I predict that if things continue as they are going, all common fuseki will be eliminated as well as all wildly unorthodox, infrequently played strategies. The last pattern standing would then be something relatively orthodox and flexible, but infrequently played.

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I like Ninrensei. It’s very flexible.

Having said that,
Heal Chinese
Hurt Sanrensei

I can’t think of a good reason why sanrensei should go before yonrensei. Yonrensei is sanrensei with more star points, after all. I feel the hostility toward sanrensei comes from a combination of personal experience, either failing to defend the framework (black) or failing to live inside (white), and the opinion of certain live-streamers. It’s a risky opening, but it’s risky for both sides, you know? This creates dynamic games with plenty of opportunities for attacking. It’s the same with cross hoshi and sanrensei’s little brother, nirensei.

Maybe you don’t like it–and to each his own–but it’s surely got more appeal than the dull enclose-and-hit-3-3 variations (Please no!).


Hurt: Cross Hoshi
Heal: Split

[quote=“Midna, post:51, topic:4064, full:true”]
Was my sarcasm too subtle for you?
[/quote]When internet sarcasm isn’t subtle? Even more given the fact that english isn’t my mother language.

[quote=“hqrpie, post:59, topic:4064, full:true”]
Chill mate, it was obviously a joke.
[/quote]Chill? I wasn’t even close to being mad. Was my response too agressive for you? ^^

[quote=“severence, post:61, topic:4064”]
for the unstated reason that they have a bad taste in their mouth
[/quote]I agree and disagree with you. First, it seems people would vote against certain fuseki for two reasons: 1.they hate when other people play them against them (which would be cause they don’t actually know the best response) or 2.they wouldn’t ever play it theirselves.
I disagree when you say that this is “unstated”. All fuseki have weak and strong points, that meaning nobody can classify them as “simply bad”, so voting it cause you simply don’t like it seems like something reasonable. And I also disagree when you say that they do it due to their lack of experience: it might be true, but we are on an open forum filled with “weaker players”; if that was the point, then you should make a topic just for shodan players.

[quote=“mark5000, post:71, topic:4064”]
Yonrensei is sanrensei with more star points, after all. I feel the hostility toward sanrensei comes from a combination of personal experience
[/quote]Yeah, you’re right. In my personal case, I hurted and healed 3 differentes josekis with every vote, cause there are more than one that I like, and more than one that I dislike.

Now people will start bullying yonrensei (?)

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Hurt: Hosai’s Formation
Heal: Jabberwocks

Suggestions with less than 10 points right now are:
sanrensei: 2
chinese: 7

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Certain live streamers who shall not be named? :slight_smile:

Updated to Fairgo’s post.

Sanrensei is one hurt away from elimination.

I don’t take offense at the fact that weaker players understand the position from a weaker perspective, but I do think the distaste for the Chinese among them is connected with not knowing how to handle it and I think that’s an inconsistent reason when juxtaposed against the taste for an opening that they don’t really understand how to handle either, like the Swedish.

I base some of my assumptions about weaker players, by the way, on memories of myself when I was weaker. The low Chinese poses an immediate challenge to White that takes a bit of learning to manage comfortably.

And I’ll be the first to admit that, properly managed, chinese openings are generally boring.
I just think that boring doesn’t mean it goes so fast :frowning:

Heal sanrensei
Hurt yonrensei

The first moves that are eficient against any fuseki can be learned by memorizing them though. You can learn it from books or the internet’s go bases, so I also don’t quite understand the hating towards low chinese.
Swedish, however, puts a more complex situation, so it shouldn’t be so easy to know the right follow ups by white

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