One way to start a game from a particular position is to the create a demo board to set up a position and then click on fork the game to create a challenge that can be sent to another player.
Here is a demo board:
If you set the forked game to use Chinese rules and with a komi of 360.5, then the outcome from scoring aligns with the desired objective.
From limited experience so far, I feel like Black is easier to play than White.
By coincidence maybe, I’ve played as Black in all my 3-4 kill all games, and managed to kill everything in each game, even against stronger players like @JethOrensin
I tried to put myself in the shoes of White during the game, and couldn’t really think of any good ideas myself to live. Black just has too strong of influence all over the board.
Either this board setup favors Black, or maybe I’m just better at attacking than living.