Important Philosophical Questions + POLLS

I’m curious: Since you can take back your like and then re-award it a certain amount of times within 10 minutes, what would happen if that like would send a notification?

Say there was a post with 9 likes. Then you like it, pushing it to 10 likes, thus giving the poster the “Nice Reply” badge. If you remove it, then the post is knocked down to 9 likes again. Would the badge still be there? Or would it be removed, as the post no longer has 10 likes?

If you like it again, would it give the poster an additional badge? Would it send an additional notification?
If you leave it, and wait for someone else to like it, would the poster earn another badge?

The first like on a post also gives a notification. Would liking it and removing the like repeatedly send several “User has liked your post” notifications?

Here are some of my posts with 9 likes:

I promise I’m not begging for the badge :sweat_smile:

Anyway, if you have posts with 9 likes and want to see what happens, you can post them here, and I’ll do the honors.

And if you want to be the first person to like this post, PLEASE unlike it and like it a few times!