Important Philosophical Questions + POLLS

It is nothing mysterious. I like short names, when I registered I found goule which are some NPC in a mobile phone game (fallout shelter). Later I did care a bit more (but not that much) and same time discovered you can change easily so I chose groin (pig nose in french) because well I dunno just liked it more.
It’s something between “worm” and “Sai”, two avatars I will never chose



“Groin” in English means the area between the thigh and the abdomen. It’s near the private parts. That’s why I was a bit confused.


Nice, a new word to me :wink: Makes me curious about it’s history, and why it differs from the french body place

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In some medical or sports contexts, the English word “groin” is used to refer to a muscle and associated connective tissues (e.g., “groin injury” typically refers to a muscle ailment). However, the word “groin” is also often used euphemistically to refer to the genitals (e.g., “groin attack” refers to a tactic forbidden in nearly all combat sports). Without context, the English word “groin” has strong connotations suggesting the latter usage. I’m guessing this might not be the impression that you intended.


No of course not. I didn’t know all that stuff at all, only had the french meaning in mind.
I guess because they are exactly same writing, they share same origin, I’m so curious why it becomes that muscle in english and pig nose in french. Can’t find it by browsing…

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Here is some etymological information.

The primary English word and French word have different etymologies, but just coincidentally converged.



From dictionary I discovered thanks to you and others here, it seems it’s used mostly in this specific case of a “martial” kick, so no real other connotation, I feel a bit safer.

I’ll be disgraced to change again (even I think I’m still in the constraint to wait a full month) but I may still consider it on some near future.


This is indeed a philosophical question, I’m reading something.

Which is worse?

  • Knowing you are wrong
  • Not knowing if you are right

0 voters

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Even worse than those two is not knowing that you are wrong.


In the book, the question is “what is more agonizing?” of sorts.
But for the greater good, I agree yours is worse. :wink:

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Shallot are the little kind-of onions and scallions are the green onions, right?
Scallops I always forget what they translate to. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes, shallots are kind of like little onions, and scallions are also called green onions. Scallops are a common type of mollusk.


shallot and scallion have a long, and shared, etymological history recorded.

shallot descends to us from French échalote, in turn from Middle French eschalote and Old French eschaloigne; which derives from Medieval Latin escalonia, a word which is still preserved intact in Spanish.

escalonia is a contraction of ascalonia cepa, “onion of Ascalon”. Ascalon, or Ashkelon, is a coastal city in Israel; its name is though to derive from an ancient word saqal, meaning “to weigh”, perhaps in reference to a market.

A similar process occurred with the word peach: it began as a Greek phrase malon persikon, a “Persian apple”, with only the topographic part of the phrase surviving.


I have a stupid question, but what are you gonna do, call me stupid? I know. :woman_shrugging:t2:

This is a cable to connect headphones to device. Does it matter which end goes to the headphones and which to the device? I can’t find anything and I don’t want to ruin anything. :-/


Electrically, it should not matter. However, the difference in shape may make one orientation more convenient and/or less likely to cause mechanical strain during use.


Whoa, I did not expect to be the only one to vote like this. Is it strange of me to think like that? :thinking:


To be honest, I kind of struggled a bit, with the idea that being wrong AND this resulting to hurting another person, thus being 100% sure that I caused something bad.

But as the sole representative of the unpopular opinion, let’s hear your thoughts. :slight_smile:


My reason is quite simple; Being wrong is worse than being right. In the first case there is still a chance of being right, while in the second case there is not.