back like every year (more or less fruitfully) for this inktober, goal this year: a complete card game that I hope to publish
I hope you’ll like it!
Edit : Kickstarter is here !
back like every year (more or less fruitfully) for this inktober, goal this year: a complete card game that I hope to publish
I hope you’ll like it!
Edit : Kickstarter is here !
These are gorgeous!! Keep 'em coming!!
thank you @Gooplet
They are really nice, best of luck with the card game also
Is there a theme in mind for each suit, or just see what suits each day?
there is a general theme to make a game enjoyable to play once printed
I guess I meant more like the spades and clubs will use black stones, or the hearts and diamond use white stones etc.
Obviously it doesn’t apply to the very nice empty gobans for the aces
But something like that I was wondering based on the bowls for the other two aces
These look great! Looking forward to seeing the full deck.
If you need an idea for the next one, you should consider a Go-themed tarot deck
If they ended up being board positions, hearts = 4-4 point something or other, spades = 3-4 point something something, etc
That’s kind of what I meant by asking was there a theme for each suit
ah ok sorry I misunderstood yes I hope to succeed in sticking to 4 themes linked to positions/shapes,
but the deck will be more artistic than educational
Btw I’m still thinking about creating a deck of cards to teach Go but I don’t have any very well-constructed ideas yet
I came across a deck of joseki cards at the Nihon Kiin and got a copy. I think a few people did, though there wasn’t any noticeable theme per suit there.
That’s at least some direction somebody has gone.
I guess for educational ideas on teaching go, one could imagine something simple like good shapes (image from dsauns shape lecture)
to selections of Tsumego, either all basic/fundamental ones or have them increase in difficulty as the numbers on the card increase. Or actually in the traditional go ranking sense, you could have them increase as the number decreases XD A 2 of hearts is a 2 kyu problem, a Jack, Queen, King of spades is an 10/15/20/25k problem, I don’t know exactly how the scale would work, and it’s not like there would be a massive distinction between x kyu and x+1 kyu problems
Anyway, I won’t take up too much space and enjoy the drawings
(it is possible that some cards evolve before printing the deck to refine the visual coherence, I am still hesitant on many color details )
i already want this deck of cards so badly, please tell me you’re gonna print & sell it when it’s done
I’ll put one aside for you
Problem is I will never want to play cards with them, in fear to damage them.
I want to see the 4th 5th 6… Can’t wait .
Buy two packs