šŸŽ‰ Introducing GoTV šŸ“ŗ

My feeling was that this was supposed to be advertisement? Thatā€™s how the timer on the top is called (even if it doesnā€™t actually show ads).

I feel like this is a bit misplaced of a concern. It makes sense in a wider context, about AI generated content sure, YouTube videos, art, blog posts and so on but is Chidorin really that bad?

Like theyā€™re replaying shuusaku games, something that many people would be interested in. I mean people often ask about watching pro games anyway. Is the issue really that itā€™s a mostly an idle stream in some way, replaying games where you canā€™t be sure someone is actually present?

Itā€™s probably been a generally unpopular stream for years, and maybe itā€™ll stay unpopular, but if people enjoy itā€¦?


Twitch plays go I can maybe more understand the point on.

It facilitates people to play a kind of rengo against Katago if Iā€™m not mistaken, by typing moves in the chat.

I donā€™t think I would agree it should be blacklisted because itā€™s harmful for the twitch Go community. Look they even encourage other streamers to collaborate with them

This is Twitch Plays Go, where you get to collectively play Go with other members of twitch chat. If youā€™re a streamer, you can use the bot to play Go against your chat! Just use !joinstream. You will be the opponent by default every game, resign the current game in progress to get started. Make the bot leave by typing !leavestream.

The part that I could maybe agree with is that maybe it wonā€™t work well with little to no chatters on twitch. So maybe the stream will be mostly idle while itā€™s live.

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Do the mods have any tools to remove/hide streams which are incorrectly classified as ā€œGoā€? I remember once seeing some korean tv show there (tho i donā€™t know if that show was about go, i didnt watch that)


I donā€™t love it I hate this appā€‹:rage::rage::rage::rage:

Do the mods have any tools to remove/hide streams which are incorrectly classified as ā€œGoā€?

I once saw a streaming of the programming language Go under the Go category on Twitch. Wonder if GoTV will pick that up too? lol


I kind of feel bad for Chidorin having seen so many people wanting to blacklist him/her. It may be a bot, but at least he is trying to spread Go in his own way. Sometimes the soundtrack is nice, and hey maybe itā€™s enjoyable for people who likes to watch Shusaku games


Youā€™re probably right. Most of my concerns about this kind of thing are almost entirely based on conjecture, and I can forget that sometimes. But like I said in another comment,

In practice on Twitch, both of these streams wound up with mostly no viewership (you can view stats for them and other streams on sullygnome), and a lot of folks have expressed irritation with them taking up space in the Go category on Twitch.

That said, the Twitch Go category is rather unique and different from most other parts of Twitch, and thereā€™s a solid possibility that GoTV audience is yet again different enough from Twitch Goā€™s normal audience that such streams will be more appreciated than not.

And honestly, now that Iā€™ve slept on it, itā€™s kind of nice to have an aesthetically pleasant stream like Chidorinā€™s constantly keeping GoTV on. Since all streams are cued up there, itā€™s kind of like a really, really nice screensaver for when nobody else is streaming.

And I appreciate this perspective a lot. Itā€™s really easy for me to lose sight of the fact that behind each of these bot accounts, thereā€™s a person whoā€™s trying to do something really cool.

I think my comments were a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to seeing a bot account getting more viewership than a real streamer. Given all these other thoughts, Iā€™d vote to remove them from the banlist for the time being and just wait and see how the GoTV audience likes things.

Itā€™s exciting new territory and maybe imposing my assumptions onto how things are run before we see how things play out is a really bad idea


Confusions will happen of course, but I believe the category OGS is watching is for ā€œour Goā€: Twitch Go Category

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A simple but possibly inelegant solution to prevent showing non-Go streams that are incorrectly streaming under the Go category could be to only show streams that also include #baduk as a tag, maybe? Or some other predetermined tag? Somebody would need to tell new streamers about it, though, which is where it could get impractical pretty quickly

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Iā€™m not deep in the Twitch ecosystem, but does this happen often? Or if itā€™s rare, maybe this could be a good application of the blocklist?


Not at present. Weā€™d certainly pick up any stream miscategorized as Go, but itā€™s probably rare enough that it wouldnā€™t be a huge issue for now.

In the event that something does show up, the best course of action would be to click through to Twitch and report the stream as miscategorized content, and we could also blacklist the channel on the backend to prevent it from showing here. If it becomes a big enough issue we could add in some tools for moderators to do it, but for now I think itā€™s pretty low priority.


I suppose again to that end, as an example thereā€™s

If one did want to go down the route of limiting which channels or streams show up, one could make a process similar to lichess, you fill in something, linking your stream while logged in somehow and have it approved. Then as mentioned an autodetection with some keyword, which was mentioned in the OP anyway:

But essentially one could host a link to the instructions on the GoTV page itself somewhere.

I suppose the keyword thing, and intentionally linking your stream works around the problem of having to automatically find the stream through some category or other.


Juste a New born baby and the discussion turns already on what is proper material and how it will be filtered.

Let them live!

On a technical note

I canā€™t scroll down on the Twitch tab


Yep yep, that oneā€™s in the issue tracker:

Itā€™s to do with Twitch not making that prompt scrollable for some reason. Gonna have to find a way to give the chat pane more height. Maybe by making the stream collapsible or something. Still brainstorming


We made a few updates today based on feedback and suggestions.


  • Default to Twitch chat, but remember which chat tab was active if a user prefers to use OGS chat
  • Remember if chat pane was expanded or collapsed
  • Add GoTV Preferences to Settings menu, with:
    • Setting to hide active streams indicator
    • Setting for disabling autoplay on load
    • Setting to filter mature streams, default: filtered
  • Clicking TV indicator while on GoTV page will return user to previous location
  • Immediately show indicator on site load if streams are available, rather than waiting for next push from backend
  • Additional visual bug fixes

Thanks, you fixed a minor annoyance of mine (autoplay) before I even mentioned it!


I have it off


but it still autoplays, am I doing something wrong; Iā€™m really not used to Twitch, so it may be something obvious.

Also, Iā€™m somehow invested in that mysterious Chidorin everyoneā€™s talking about, now I wanna watch it too!


Yep, I just saw that too. Pushing up a fix now


Switching that off has worked for me about 10 minutes ago, but now it seems to auto-play again for me as well. Some glitch in rolling this out?

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