šŸŽ‰ Introducing GoTV šŸ“ŗ

I like that the icon shows how many people are streaming, but maybe it will be better if it can show who is streaming when I hover over or click on the icon. This way I donā€™t need to click into it each time just to check.


If we are dreaming up new features here is another one: Allow marking steams as ā€˜favoritesā€™ and in the stream counter somehow flag if one of my favourites is currently active.

Yeah, probably twitch has features similar to that and if I really want that I should go there ā€¦


Hmm not sure whether this is a bug but sometimes when Iā€™m watching halfway it will just suddenly say ā€œNo Streams Availableā€ even though the stream is still ongoing and the chat is still moving. It comes back after I refresh the page.

Okay not really sometimes but it keeps happening today.


How about just putting bot streams on the bottom of the list if there are any human streamers? :man_shrugging:


Thank you for reporting this issue! To help us diagnose and resolve the problem, could you please provide some additional information?

  1. Can you give a rough estimate on the interval between occurrences? How often does this happen (e.g., every few minutes, once an hour, etc.)?
  2. Prior to seeing the ā€œNo Streams Availableā€ message, how many streams were active? Was there just one stream, or were there multiple streams listed?
  3. When the issue occurs, does it affect all streams or only the one you are watching? For example, if there were multiple streams, did they all disappear, or only the one you were viewing?
  4. When you refresh the page, does the stream always come back immediately, or does it sometimes require multiple refreshes to reappear?
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Around 1 to 2 minutes.

Only 1 stream.

Only 1 stream was available.

Comes back immediately.


I havenā€™t seen if someone already asked ā€¦ after a few days of seeing streams that I know are boring now, Iā€™d like to be able to ā€œignoreā€ a stream and not get it notify me and show up in the list (or at least, show up down the bottom or similar).


Oof that sounds harsh. You mean that you are personally not interested in. Iā€™m sure those guys are giving it their everything :smiley:

But I think thatā€™s a good feature idea.

Yes, which I am personally not interested in :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

On a similar topic, I think that if I select a language filter, the notification at the top should also filter on that language.

And the filter-setting should ā€œstickā€, too ā€¦ I donā€™t want languages that Iā€™m personally not interested in showing up again each time.

Hey, this demanding features is fun isnā€™t it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thatā€™s so mean lol

But on another note, having a personal blacklist does sound better than having the system decide on the blacklist for you.
Maybe it can be linked to your twitch account and show only the streamers you follow?


That might be ā€œa thingā€ although it wouldnā€™t work for me because GoTV seems to be ā€œa way that I can learn about new streamersā€. (Since I donā€™t have any to start with :slight_smile: )

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Thatā€™s basically the reverse of my request for favorites, both options sound good, mine sounds friendlier! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like the ignore option, as I agree with @GreenAsJade that the main point is to find people streaming who you donā€™t normally watch, so it makes more sense to just ignore the ones you donā€™t want (defaults matter, so I think bot streams should be globally blacklisted anyway, too)

That said, if bot streams are on a global blacklist, which is really all Iā€™d use the ignore feature for anyway, Iā€™m not sure it makes sense to implement something like that on the OGS end; feels like reimplementing Twitch, when it should be a funnel to Twitch (and maybe Youtube in the future)

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Hmm i think its best to have the personal blacklist option on OGS, there are plenty of people who do not have an account on twitch. I would also prefer if all the ongoing streams were listed there, including the youtube streams ^^


I dunno - it depends what ā€œkind of funnelā€.

In the earlier discussion, I think the conclusion was that if we are looking at the stream through the twitch viewer, then the streamerā€™s goals and twitchā€™s goals are achieved.

I personally donā€™t want to be ā€œfunnelled onto twitchā€ but I donā€™t mind contributing to their goals by watching them via a viewer embedded in OGS.

So I want the viewer embedded in OGS to let me say ā€œI donā€™t want to be notified about this stream you drew to my attention, anymoreā€.

I donā€™t want to become a twitch user to do that,

(Although I donā€™t mind using the twitch embedded viewer to do it, if that were a feature)

I didnā€™t mean force people to go onto Twitch, but provide a funnel for that if a stream catches someoneā€™s interest: do one thing well

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I mean, I have no cause to complain about such a feature, Iā€™m just being honest that the only thing I can see myself using it for is blocking bot streams manually if the ā€œdonā€™t blacklist bot streamsā€ people win the argument

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I guess if we donā€™t get sticky-language-filtering then we might also use if for languages we personally arenā€™t interested in :slight_smile:

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True. It is quite flexible, and while limited in scalability, there arenā€™t too many Go streams, so it shouldnā€™t take long for people to filter the few they donā€™t want

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I just realised that Twitch only allows you to login to one place at a time and this is annoying because I use OGS across multiple platforms :melting_face:

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