🎉 Introducing GoTV 📺

as a data-point:

I am in the ​ people who do not have an account on twitch ​ group, since I do not agree to having

I use twitch on date D.
Some day after D, twitch posts amended Terms with an effective date before D.

result in me being bound by the revised Terms.

The only time I open OGS is when I start a new browser. (What’s the use to close it?)

Ideally I want a list of all go streams too (youtube…) and an easy process to bookmark, discard or burry each of them (like a swap to left or right with my finger on my mobile. )

Till now I get at most like 4 so until it’s not 50 I don’t care for help to clean the list (bots, filtered etc…)

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I’m in favor of sticky language setting, was anyone opposed?

If the reason against is “too small to implement”, maybe it’s a “good first issue” :smiley:


Nah, just something I overlooked. This will be in the next PR :slight_smile:


If I could have a wish list for that:

  • Multi-select “languages I’m interested in”
  • Filter operates on notification at the top as well.

Both already in the next update =P



That’s even better than I thought it would be.

Now I can put my mouse on the TV and click it. Without moving the mouse I can scan if there’s anything interesting, and if not click again without even moving my mouse … to arrive back to the game that I can’t decide how to play :slight_smile:


Something similar is happening to me, except not to the “No Streams Available” notice, but there’s three streams ongoing, one in English, one in French and one in German, and if you refresh it shows all three, but if you wait a few seconds it makes two of the three disappear.

Based on that, maybe it’s some issue with a language filter?

Interestingly it’s not to do with the current stream I’m watching. If I have the german one open it still makes the English and German thumbnail disappear, showing only the french one.

In the console I’m seeing some GraphQL errors and blocked frame errors (or failed to load 429 errors).

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So…since we’ve somehow found room for this streaming icon even on mobile, does that mean we could also potentially have the AST tournament indicator :trophy: back?


I saw it happening last night and it seems to be something on Twitch’s side with their API. It tends to happen with newly started streams and stabilizes after a while. I’ve got some ideas for how we might work around it on our side


Should be able to scroll that list. At least it’s working for me

Ok I got the scrolling working.

An interesting thing: I clicked on the TV when it said “1” and arrived at the “preparing your stream”.

Then it changed to “there are no active streams” … I guess I arrived just as it finished… but there was no TV to click on to get back to where I was…

… I think that if I’ve arrived there on GoTV I need the TV to be there even if there are no streams, so I can get back to where I was. Then it could disappear…


Same issue happening again today. There is only 1 stream available.

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More likely you experienced this bug:

I submitted a PR to work around this so that shouldn’t really happen, even if the stream ends since the stream will hang around for a little bit after it ends. In case it does happen the back button should work properly now to take you back as well since we added the key props to the iframes.

We’ve figured out what the problem most likely is. It looks like it’s something happening on twitch’s side with the API. I put in a pull request today for a workaround that should help with that, but it hasn’t been reviewed yet.


I was aware of that bug, but I’m not clear how fixing (or working around) solves the problem that’s still lingering: if all the streams go away while you’re on GoTV, you need the TV icon to get back to where you were…


I suppose we could have a preference to display a grayed out version of the icon, but it doesn’t seem all that necessary to me since it’s just acting as the browser’s back button anyway

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Same bug for me just now even though the sole available stream seems to be active still.

Edit : (with this behaviour)


An update on the bug : It doesn’t seem to be happening for me now in the past hours, both when 1 stream and 3-7 were active.

On another note, I’ve discovered two new streams I enjoy as a result, and saw several others which I had never known of, so thanks for this great new feature ! ^^