Fu🧦le #53 (7 moves)
This was a tough one
Fu🧦le #53 (7 moves)
This was a tough one
Somehow, I got confused…
Fu🧦le #53 (7 moves)
What do you all think about the new theme? Should we switch back or keep it? Or something in between?
0 voters
Today was a day is it supposed to default to the necessary size for the day’s given joseki? Because that would make a huge difference lol
First try 🥹
Fu🧦le #59 (8 moves)
No, sorry, it’s totally ignorant.
Would love to get at least an option to switch between the two themes. I and some friends who do some other Wordle-likes find it a bit hard to understand these sock icons at a glance when sharing our Wordles in a group chat.
Other than that, I’ve really been enjoying doing Fusekle lately, so thanks for developing it.
I had an impressive day today:
Josekle #82 (4 moves)
Josekle #82 (15 moves, hard)
Funny thing is, that I could have done even better at the hard one, because I have used my second attempt as a first attempt for other 15 moves sequences before. So I should have taken more time to think of it instead of just going for the 14 moves sequence.
Fusekle🧦 #64 (8 moves)
Fusekle🧦 #63 (11 moves)
Didn’t even know where to start on this one but it turned out to be a classic shape
If not share this day’s result, what else?
Josekle #109 (8 moves)
Josekle #109 (12 moves, hard)
Today’s easy josekle got me
Josekle #122 (4 moves)
Today’s hard josekle:
Josekle #122 (10 moves, hard)
Hey, better than me
Josekle #122 (10 moves, hard)
Josekle #122 (4 moves)
Josekle #122 (10 moves, hard)
When I’ve figured out the first moves and I don’t know how to follow up, I try to go move by move, but that’s not very efficient.
For wordle, I think the whole point is to avoid going character by character, and try to be more efficient. But for josekle I think it’s perhaps better from a go player point of view to go move by move like you do (and I do too), trying to figure out a meaningful sequence, rather than use a more combinatorial approach.
Josekle #122 (4 moves)
Fusekle🧦 #104 (5 moves)
Josekle #126 (5 moves)
Fusekle🧦 #108 (8 moves)
Any stats on recycled joseki? Some of them seem so familiar, surely some have been repeated?
Josekle #126 (5 moves)
Josekle #126 (5 moves, hard)
Fusekle🧦 #108 (8 moves)
Not the Fusekle ones, though. Those all have seemed unique so far. Also how are the hard joseki selected again? They aren’t always longer ones and I realized I can’t recall how “hard” is defined, even though I’ve consistently felt that the “hard” ones are, indeed, harder
“Hard” just means less limitations during joseki selection. IIRC not “hard” josekis are those which either have not more than 10 moves or are flagged as “basic” in OGS joseki explorer.
Is there any chance
Of a “free play” josekle/fusekle ever existing?
I keep finding myself wishing I could keep playing them when my brain gets tired of 9x9 and tsumego
Even if the library is relatively small, they could be good tools for practicing joseki recognition