In another thread, I proposed the concept of a game that imitates a trend and revolves around guessing a joseki sequence:
You can now play it online here
Thanks to @okonomichiyaki for leading the implementation!
How Josekle Works
- Guess the hidden joseki by submitting move sequences.
- Green
indicates that the move is at the correct place and timing within the sequence.
- Purple
indicates that the point is part of the sequence, but incorrect timing and/or stone color.
- Red
mark points that are not part of the joseki.
- A new puzzle is available every day!
You can also play a variant called Fusekle, which focuses on 9x9 fuseki:
Discussion about Josekle Development has been split off into another thread:
The rest of this first post was older discussion about manually playing test games on this forum:
I’d like to play some test games here in this thread, and we can also use this thread to discuss game design and potential implementation details.
I’ll host the first game. I’m thinking of a common joseki sequence that is 13 moves long. Please guess valid joseki sequences (as marked as “Joseki: Done” in the OJE) and I will respond with a sequence of circles that hints at which moves are correct.
For example, if someone guesses a 7-move joseki sequence, I might respond with something like:
which would mean that the 1st and 4th moves are at the correct board locations and timing within the sequence, while the 3rd and 5th moves are at board locations that exist within the sequence, but at an incorrect time, and the other moves (2nd, 6th, and 7th) were at locations that do not exist within the solution joseki.
Note: your guesses do not have to be 13 moves, but they must be valid joseki.
Happy Josekling!