Kibitz for Diplomatic Go: The First Game

What do you all think of the game so far? How do you think it’s going to end? Who do you think is leading?

A few days ago, Vsotvep sent me this message

I’m wondering if there’s a lot of kibitzing going on. I’m looking forward to the end of the game to read it :slight_smile:

So, come on now! Let’s not let him down.


With Vsotvep forced to protect his already poor territory, Haze focused on its destruction, Vagabond almost powerless and Martin defending himself I think at the moment le_4TC’s dominion is undisputed. But if Martin and Haze manage to destry Vsotvep’s territory I think there’s still a chance for Martin to win. Even though I think that after losing his territory Vsotvep will favour le_4TC. So, paradoxically, maybe le_4TC should hope for his ally’s destruction.


Private kibitz log from blueVsotvep

Round 20

Primary objective is no longer to play E8: Haze can have them, and Martin and I can work a way out to get them back later to the right person for assuring a draw. In fact, having it hanging unconnected gives us more freedom here.

I haven’t had contact with le_4TC, so I’m not sure what he’s going to play, but J6 would be ideal for him. Martin agrees with that, so his first move will be J6, to prevent le_4TC from playing it first. My first move is a collision, and J6 as the second choice. Hopefully le_4TC will take their chance, but in the worst case, Haze is captured and we can work something out to make sure I get most of the open territory.

My moves:

  1. J5
  2. J6
  3. E5

I have a question about the rules, but I don’t know if this might influence the game in any way, so I’ll ask it here instead of the public thread. Weren’t the players allowed to place the stones in the same spot for all three turns? Like if I collide the first time then I try again in the same place? Cause nobody seems to be doing that and I don’t recall someone doing it, but I clearly remember that rule, even if I can’t find it anymore. Maybe it’s not in the principal post containing the rules but just in the following discussion? And if so, was it annulled?
Anyway, this might just be a false memory. :man_shrugging:


I think the players debated this early on and it was said that you couldn’t pick the same spot multiple times. I think it is in the rules, but there’s a lot to the rules :slight_smile:

Edit: there was an example here of what happens if you submit the same move multiple times Diplomatic Go [variant] and in and around here in that thread ± a couple of posts Diplomatic Go [variant]


Sorry, I’m just too busy (with other games… :blush: and family stuff…) to kibitz “properly”. :wink:

It has definitely been a really interesting game, with developments I didn’t see coming. And I see the game as still undecided. Martin is not necessarily in a weaker position than le_4TC.


I think with Hazes group getting captured and Martin being the opposite side of the board, it’s really le_4tc and Vsotvep getting the most benefit now.

I’m sure Martin can try make trouble though :slight_smile:


Private kibitz log from blueVsotvep

Round 21

I offered le_4TC to fairly split the new area, by either both going for H5, or by both not going for H5.
Due to a lack of communication with le_4TC, I’ll assume they might be going for H5 regardless, so that will be my first move.

It also seems le_4TC is not aware of any plan by Martin. I think I’ll leak the goal of reaching an tied position as soon as it is clear what Haze’s area is going to look like. Perhaps le_4TC can find a way to eliminate Martin from the tie, which would be a fun thing to strive for.

My moves:

  1. H5
  2. H6
  3. G5

Round 23 has begun

Editable board

Sorry, I’ve missed posting these timestamps in the past few rounds.


Private kibitz log from blueVsotvep

For the kibitzers: I’m convinced that le_4TC does not wish to draw, and thus it is better to keep Martin on my side, since le_4TC is very hard to kill without my help. Especially since Martin has to play A1 and B2 for that to happen, which should give him a point advantage that makes his draw proposal fail.

I also talked this through with le_4TC, just in case both of us think the same thing.


It feels like one of Martin/Vsotvep are killable? They both look like they have about two eyes, whereas le_4tc now almost has four.

I probably wouldn’t want a draw as le_4tc, I’m not sure how Vsotvep plans to win, maybe eliminate Martin and hope for the best on points?

The negotiations didn’t seem to go well publicly, maybe there were private messages?

Wait what

Was I misread the game debate, was Vsotvep not avidly against drawing?


Maybe he doesn’t want a draw, but also respects the wrath of Martin/White?


More for myself (hard to picture the board before and after moves were played with discussion posts in between)


I wonder does le_4tc have leverage over maharani, in the sense of, help me or I’ll eliminate you from the game?

That said maybe you could submit moves as collisions at three of F1,F2,G1,G2 and that way it the stones got captured you’d probably get another one down before getting eliminated?

Space is starting to look short to keep a stone on the board.

A9 looks like a nice point for Martin even though they commented on how it is still a kind of false eye being in 2-Atari.

Keeping le_4tc from getting H4 is probably important. It seems slow to even start to fill outside liberties of their group. Martin probably has to play A1 and B2, while it’s likely Vsotvep or Haze need to fill the liberties on the other side.

Slow capturing race?


Round 25 has begun

Editable board

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Interesting developments…

blueVsotvep and redle_4TC have not voted to draw, and I don’t think blueVsotvep forgot by accident (despite what he might soon publicly claim). I guess they will work together to try to eliminate the others. blueVsotvep only has two eyes, but could potentially make another shared eye with redle_4TC.

whitemartin3141 has been decisively reduced to two eyes, making them vulnerable to eventual demise at the hands of the bluered alliance.

But is that a feasible end game? If they work toward and accomplish eliminating whitemartin3141, what happens next? Will they both settle for a two-way draw, or will they continue to fight it out to see who can get the edge to win?

Will blackHaze and yellowMaharani survive to reach the draw?

I don’t think whitemartin3141 will go quietly. Perhaps they read that now blueVsotvep is not working toward the draw. Will whitemartin3141 try to throw the game to redle_4TC in order to punish blueVsotvep?


I think you’re right on with this analysis.

I feel that, even though martin3141’s ultimatum seems to have backfired, he should still get an honorary mention for attempting a daring strategy that could have saved the game for him if things went slightly differently.


I think I’d probably be playing/submitting F1,F2,G1 (G2) as standing orders and presume that if you get a stone down after all your stones are captured that because it’s still the same round you’re still in the game.

Unless there ends up being another productive move/block on the board.

I still think it’d be better for vsotvep and martin to try to capture le_4tc. Imagining red’s stones gone, they could probably nearly halve the board. I think if martin gets captured, probably something like c6 with be a big decider on which way the territory goes. le_4tc is probably close to half the area already though if white gets captured.


Captures happen after all stones are placed, so that would not work. These orders would be the same as passing.

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Private kibitz log from blueVsotvep

I’m starting to feel le_4TC is not too interested in collaborating with me anymore. I was honestly hoping we could work together to defeat Martin in some way, but taking G5 is not a logical move in this context.

I’m not trusting Martin and Haze either, I feel very threatened having only two eyes and four liberties.

My moves:

  1. J5
  2. J4
  3. D8

Also, I’ll accept the 5-way draw again (forgot it last move)