I am tired of Komi issues on 9 x 9. Where is the rule that any board size besides regulation need to grant white 6.5 points for going second?
Let’s assume that 19 x 19 is the only board size which matters.
When Komi was introduced, it was deemed that white should get compensation for going second. On a regulation size board – 19 x 19 – a compensation of 6.5 points represents 1.8% (0.018005540166205) of the 361 available points.
With the brilliant minds who have studied the regulation size to no end, we should and can trust the idea that Komi will even things out.
Unfortunately, is simply does not work the same way on 9 x 9.
On 9 x 9, a 6.5 points Komi represents 8% of the 81 available points.
Do you realize how ridiculously insane this is?
This represents everything wrong with the small board: [http://online-go.com/game/915202][1]
If we follow the logic that only 19 x 19 matters, then a 9 x 9 Komi should scale down to a Komi of 1.5 points for white.
Since 1.8% is all that matters, it can be used all odd-numbered squared dimensions.
If OGS does this, the 9 x 9 games will be more meaningful. There won’t be situations like:
“Something of white must die or I need to be as aggressive as all hell. Short of that, guaranteed loss.”
“Awesome. I play as white. I can screw up 3 or 4 times and still win.”
You guys discarded traditional terms like “tsumego” in favor of clear terms like “puzzle.”
I hope you can do the same for smaller board sizes. If there is nothing written about the importance of the smaller size by great players in history and if there is nothing written about them in any kind of official documents about the game, then please innovate and fix it.
The other solution would be to make anything besides 19 x 19 as an unrated game but I don’t want that.
Just fix Komi. Thanks.