Ladders and Tournaments

Would it be possible to add a feature to the ladders so that people cannot challenge others in the ladder, who have a difference in rank of more than 4-5.

The ladders would be a much more meaningful experience with such a restriction.

It would also be a great improvement if the paring methods when creating tournaments were set to strength as a default. As it is I suspect that many who create tournaments are not aware of the various settings, and it is not so meaningful to create a tournament where dan players are faced of with DDK without handicaps. Hence it would be better to have strength as the default setting for pairing methods.

So if a ladder only has a 6d, an 1k, a 7k, a 13k, a 19k and a 25k, no one can challenge anyone.


I believe in another thread someone had an answer which I thought was good: if it’s an option for group ladders, sure, why not? but if it’s for any sitewide ladder, no thanks

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I recently got a challenge from someone 18 ranks lower than me on the 9x9 ladder, and I thought the game was pretty fun. I don’t know how DDK players feel about playing low dan players like me in a tournament, but I’ve enjoyed my games with DDK players. In fact, I’ve lost to a DDK player once in a tournament. :man_facepalming:

In the other direction, I also want to be able to play against high dan players if the opportunity is available. So I’d prefer there is no such restriction.


I am strictly against such a restriction.

It’s the point of a ladder, that you can challenge much stronger opponents and get games against them.


Suppose for example that the 7ky drops out of the ladder, but the gaps between 6d and 1kyu AND 13, 19 and 23 kyu are filled.
You will have two ladders. Not a good idea.


I am not for levels restrictions. It’s a tournament so basically it’s better that anyone can meet anyone without presuming who will win, even if we have some idea.


Sharing my comment on the same idea from earlier: