When they opponent timeouts they’ll have to start the ladder again from the bottom.
A win by timeout does not change your postition in the ladder (no matter how hard-fought, time spent and/ or deserved a win it would be looking at the board).
The first game link here shows my timedout opponent in the ladder unchanged (as am I), what am I missing?
Second link is from an ongoing game but looking at the opponent’s stats I see they timedout a number of times without any consequences as far as I can see.
All in all playing in the 19x19 ladder is not as rewarding as I thought it would be and definitely not as much fun.
I think this is true for the second and third ladder opponents who win by timeout. Any player can have three challengers in a ladder. If the first game is win by timeout then the loser is ejected from the ladder. The other two challengers are now playing non-ladder games and so however they win they will not move up the ladder.
I guess so but I think it is rather sad for the second and third challengers to lose out (on ladder places) in this way. I can accept the multiple time out correspondence thing but there can only be three ladder games so I don’t see why honouring the other two timeouts would cause particular problems.
Ladder timeout bug is known since long time but it’s still there. I really can’t understand how this could be despite the huge effort to improve the overall site that we’ve seen in last months.
Probably it isn’t so urgent but I also believe that it shouldn’t be too hard to fix.
Do you have any detail on this subject?
Is it backend?
Is it a particularly sneaky bug?
What else?
I think leap frogging is just as likely as dead ending… Balances out in the end, I didn’t find it particularly obtrusive when I was on the ladder scene
They’re annulled, because the player didn’t do a single move in those games. I challenged them lastly, got no response, and now have the option to challenge them again, since they didn’t get removed from the ladder.
I know why the games are annulled. That wasn’t the issue with what I thought had to happen. I thought it might take 3 annulled timeouts, although this is probably wrong. I know why the games are annulled, and sorry if that was confusing.
I think games where a player does not make a move are always annulled. Normally, when a player times out without making a move in a ladder, they lose that game, the game will be annulled, the player will be removed from the ladder, and the opponent (if lower) would take that player’s spot.
The problem here is that the latter two do not seem to be happening. It’s been a difficult bug to track down since it does not seem easily reproducible. Hopefully @anoek will see this latest report and find it helpful toward fixing the issue.
Yeah I kinda had thought the part about being removed from the ladder started happening less frequently on purpose because I have had that same thing happen to me recently.
A player that times out in a ladder should always be removed from the ladder. If you found a case, please report it so that it helps track down this bug.
What’s the best way to report this? I’ve had two games in the last few days being annulled by my opponent not making any moves after I challenge, and neither has been removed from the ladder.
If you challenge someone and they cancel the game you just move straight to the spot above them. They are only kicked out of the ladder if they time out of the game.
If they timed out and didn’t get kicked then use the call moderator from that game I guess