Lost by timeout despite playing move

As not to cause confusion

If you are asking about the new datacenter, then yes, the move was completed months ago, and (at least as far as I can tell) we are much more stable since then.

That said, nothing is bulletproof and these last seconds timeouts can and will happen, both by local connection issues (because sound is played by the client as soon as you hit the button to be in sync, but that does not necessarily mean that the client managed to “upload” the move yet), and of course sometimes our server can be at fault too.

Possible solution (or rather partial compensation) would be to consider Timer Grace Period to compensate for network delay, which I would be all for, feel free to also express your support or comments, and then it depends on anoek whether and when it would be implemented :slight_smile: it would require backend support (at least to be done properly, maybe it could also be hacked together on the front-end now that I think about it… Hmmmm :thinking: )