Neat problems from real games

I was white in this game and missed a really nice tesuji, can you find it?


White O6 looks difficult to handle for black.

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That’s what I played in the game, but there is a stronger move!

Then perhaps cut at N8?


KataGo’s suggestion was P5!
(cutting first also seems possible, but after N8 M7 white should still P5)

This is no good for black:
(there is technically a ko but black can’t win it)

This is playable for black but white gets a better shape than in the game:

It seems like black’s best option is to sacrifice the four stones:


White to move.
Defend the marked group.


N13 M13 (not necessary )
Then squeeze with 2 stones
L18 K18 L19…
Black finish with 2 liberties so loses the fight. He can give up L16 L17 and let white break into the center but that doesn’t look very good either. Still some aji for later if black gets to play a move on left.


yes, w L18
unnecessary N13 Kata likes less

But I was too afraid that sacrifice(that I can’t read) would be useless and didn’t play it : (


It’s a classic tesuji, i love it and always hope it happens in my games. Get use to it!

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From a 5-stone handicap game I played yesterday. I was White. What should I have played next?

In the game I played this move


Why is it wrong, and how should Black have punished?



E10 (black connects his 2 groups)

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Katago thinks your answer to the first question is wrong.

Your second answer is clever and seems to work, although Katago proposes a different one.

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So here is the correct answer according to AI

My move was wrong because

The main point is that move 6 is sente on White’s life in the corner, giving time for Black to make a second eye.

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A14 instead of A15 is nice move

Is there a way for the trapped white group to live locally or escape?

Looks like this white group has lots of liberties but no clear eye space, however the black encirclment is also incomplete (I actually don’t know the answer for sure. But probably part of it can escape or could be a semeai)

As you probably all know, the auto-score can be confused by an unfinished game or an unsettled position.

But this was a bit of a doozie.

Spot the unsettled part of the board:

Solution and game link



I found a neat problem from a kifu of an old game of mine, as well as some analysis that I did on it. Here’s the position in the game:

White needs to decide how to answer blacks placement at 1. My question is after the hypothetical moves 2 and 3 …

… can white capture the two black stones C17 and C18?

My thoughts

After B18 D18, shape instinct for white is to B19, but then black E17 seems like trouble.

So is the best white can do to C19 instead of B19, resulting in a direct ko that black takes first?

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Ko is not the best answer.

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B18 D18 B19 E17 E16 F17 G18 F19 J18!