New layout of matchmaking

I see the layout of matchmaking was remade. I’d like to share my opinion. Generally I like the new one. I like that I clearly see which board size I have set. In the old was it was easy to mistake. I see several options are gone, like rules preferance, but maybe it doesn’t matter, because virtually all at OGS play Japanese ones.

Those ~15 minutes, ~25 minutes etc. are a bit confusing. It took me some time to realise those are approximate times and that there are Fishers and byo-yomis below(?).

If I can ask for something: please, change those 18k - 12k etc. to -something, + something as it was before. I could set -2, +2 or something and it was very convinient.


Here is the thread on this topic

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Good to link. I wonder if it’s also good to have a separate thread for after implementation?

This is a good point. I think that would also be better when you have ranks hidden.


This is awfull…why isn’t there an option to use the old layout ?


Necessary for hidden ranks. Or you can’t use automatch

Another small detail, I would prefer boards without coordinates to illustrate the choice (for aesthetic).

And it could be important to mention something like “ranked games only”

Anyway, I like it


Because then we’d have to maintain two awful systems instead of one.


How to choose any board size of 2 or 3 board sizes? How to force AGA rules?
The old layout had this selectors.

Cannot anymore.

Create a custom game.

The options for quick match with this update have been streamlined in some areas to maximise pool size and minimise queue times and also to simplify options and UI/UX. See the thread linked above for more details.


This is horrendous. How the hell am I going to find a game when there’s so many time options? It’s supposed to be “quick play”. The player pool is too small for this. Even before when clicking the quick play button it wasn’t always fast. Awful.


A few options have also been removed. We’re hoping on the balance queue times will be faster with this update.


It’s on by default also I believe.

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I absolutely hate the new format. It’s terrible. Several big problems with it:

I like being able to see what the other available games are, even after I have clicked to create my game. For example, maybe I wanted a 5 minute game, but after I create it, I see someone else makes a 6 minute game offering. That’s close enough - I’ll take it.

On mobile everything is so bloated you can’t even make the game happen without scrolling down. Everything I need used to be right there on the screen at once.

I get that you’re trying to make things beginner-friendly and not overwhelming, but this isn’t the answer yet. If you are married to this redesign and absolutely must keep it, please for the love of all that is good, give us a “simplified view” vs “power user” option (the power user option being essentially the previous way it was). I liked the graph, I liked being able to see other games that are out there. And I liked UI components that weren’t being bloated and stretched out to fill space unnecessarily.



I just saw the new Matchmaking UX. Is this experimental and temporary? I don’t have experimental interface changes turn on though.

The old UI allows to look for any 9x, 13x or 19x games. New UI only allows us to choose one of the three.

What other changes are we expecting?

I like it so far. It seems to lead bots to forfeit on time. I’ve had a bad run recently; I could use a few wins.

But in the long term, I predict that I am going to get bored.

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Some of the commenters above are confused because they cannot find the list of game offers or the graph. That momentarily confused me too. They are buried beneath the Custom Games button. The layout would be more friendly if something indicated that.

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Correct. This was changed to simplify things.

It was experimental for the last month on the beta server. Now it is on the main site it will likely stay for a while, with maybe only some small changes.

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I,can,t find a game to play since today, i can only offer a game and must wait who wants to play.
Where can i find them???

If you want to see custom games being offered by other players, on the play page click on the “custom games” tab

Oke, Thanks, now i see.

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Nice, I think this is a step in the right direction. I’m glad that the automatch Fischer time settings are more sensible now.
Still, I find some pairing of time controls that are supposed to lead to similar length games a bit odd. The Fischer settings check out, but the byo-yomi less so. For example, the “25 min” setting here is what I regularly play on Fox and when nobody resigns early, those games are 40+ minute long. I guess the point is that with 30s byo yomi, decreasing the main time doesn’t influence expected length of the game much.