OGS June Team League

I thought black 3 is a wrong move. It eliminates the corner invasion. It needs to be E2

There’s a corner invasion?

Yep, joseki, e2, d2, f2, in the future black can play c2, if white d1, black can c3 …


Are you saying you want to play this?

This is (3) E2.

Yep like that but I don’t remember the exact correct sequence

Why would White not play (4) F2+ himself?

Because … (4) F2+ G3 D2+ G2+ E1x loses sente, and White is better to keep it?

((4) D2 F2 being sente due to the threat of (6) G3+ F2 G2?)

I don’t know. I’m just a 1kyu lol

Sth around cruel move?

I checked Waltheri.

There were no results with my left-side tiger’s mouth shape and White’s table fix, but this is what I found for the ogeima.


2 was played by Rui Naiwei in 2018.

The other players used this descent 1:

  • Ebisawa Kenzo, 1859
  • Kobayashi Tetsujiro, 1877
  • Segawa Yoshio, 1954
  • Lin Zhihan, 2002
  • Shida Tatsuya, 2018

So it appears that the main move is this sagari.

Don’t use pros to jutify your bad moves :laughing:

I checked joseki on ogs, maybe the shape with invasion only happen when white plays e3 instead f4.

Anyway I actually studied the double approach joseki but couldn’t remember them. Pretty much avoid them myself

I believe this is the sequence in question:


(3 plays away)

It is an old joseki that continues with White O18, and giving atari with O15 is a mistake here. Black will not play O15, so the atari will be available later still.


I’d like it if this discussion could be spun off into its own thread, since detailed kibitzing isn’t the purpose of this one, which is more for scheduling and declaring results.

Would you do the honours please, @Vsotvep or another mod? c:

(Unless anyone objects.)


The first steps of proper time management are

  1. Click 1-2 seconds before the end of the countdown.
  2. Decide to spend one byo-yomi period at crucial moments.

However I am not able to even do step 1 yet. Hard to concentrate on reading while keeping track of the countdown. @bugcat seems pretty good at that exercise.


Do you have the voice counter on?

I keep it muted and play by the stone display, looking at the main clock now and again.

Leaving less than three seconds before clicking is dangerous, because it leaves you open to timeout if you accidentally play an illegal move, since the reprimand display takes some time to disappear and, whilst up, prevents you from playing again.

Good style, then, is probably to click with at least three seconds remaining.


Well if I have the voice counter on then I start to panic when the countdown starts. It’s like having 20 seconds of byo-yomi instead of 30. If I don’t have the voice counter on then I forget to look at the clock and lose by timeout.

I guess I just need to practice at least clicking a few seconds before the end, even to make obvious moves, and to prepare future moves/timesujis for the future.


One thing I did in our game is that when we were playing the ko in the lower right, I used my period to look for ko threats before taking the ko.

That way I wasn’t flustered trying to find them when it was my turn to go looking.


The “soft tick-tock” option sounds a lot less scary. Here’s what I use:



I decided to give up the last 10 seconds for click. I will never qualify competitive games so don’t want to stress out myself. I don’t believe I can come up a better move in last 10 seconds.

One lesson I learned is not to touch the mouse until I am ready to place the stone.

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Hello @Jakobb @Gia @Arclaw @Cadspen,

DGF.EELT’s prefered time is:

11:00:00 AM2:00:00 PM everyday except Sat/Sun.

To set game schedule with him or discuss another time range, please contact me (AVAVT) and I’ll help with the communication.


Helping with the announcement:

| June 7, 2021 1:00 AM | 2 | ngothonghy-Notbiased | — | — |

Which is 7 hours away.

@Jakobb and I set up our game for 2021-06-12T23:00:00Z (with an hour of leeway)