OGS June Team League

If that’s bad, I don’t want to be good…


@bugcat What rules are the games supposed to be played with?

does not matter, just 1 point difference, you don’t need that. :grinning:

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Any ruleset seems fine.

Also, I wonder whether we could play another day. I’m playing against jlt tomorrow evening and I didn’t really want to play a game before that.

I’m pretty bad at scheduling so please bear with me.

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I missed the first game, but

Good luck and have fun everyone!! :tada::tada::tada:


Deleted my early posts to make the timing wiki more visible.

I see that the Board 2 and 3 games (bswan–jiveo and then mine against jlt) of Terrific’s Team against Martin’s are happening in quick succession tomorrow – a double showdown.

In that case, perhaps I can start by streaming bswan’s game annd iron out any hitches before mine.


I won’t review every move but here are quick highlights on the game Samraku-jlt:

  • White 30 should be at K3 because…
  • Black 31 can cut with M2
  • White 48 should be at S18 because Black is only alive by ko in the corner (the ko shouldn’t be launched immediately, it is still too small).
  • The sequence starting with Black 59 is bad for Black. I think it makes White too strong.
  • Black 65 is bad. Saving one stone is not important.
  • White 68 should be at K17. Attack Black, do not reinforce Black’s group.
  • Black 75 should be at H18. Black has two weakish groups, better connect them together.
  • For White 78 and several times later, the bot suggests to attack Black at E18.
  • Black 141 should be at D9. Black would be leading by 15 points.
  • White 146 can kill without condition at B11.
  • White 182 has a tesuji at H9.
  • Black resigned at move 184 but the game was balanced (Black was leading by 1 point according to the bot).

Looks very much like Samraku does not play live games. Nobody spends 5 out of 30 minutes main time to count, then resigned prematurely. :sweat_smile:

Nice person, I am sure, in real life, thinking about courtesy to others more than anything else.

That was very painful 5 minutes for me to watch. :grinning:


More like I’m bad at them. :smiley: But I’m worse at correspondence, so… /shrug

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To make you feel better, I thought you were losing too. :grinning:

To make you feel worse though, I would never put trust on my ability to judge the board to resign in this case. I had my lessons.

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Game between AVAVT and drifterwolf is rescheduled to 2 weeks later, same time by my request. Thanks again drifterwolf :slight_smile:

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Maybe we can use OSR game planner to arrange our games? Climu said a club is doing that.

Waya_bimily vs Nibby : Sat . June 26th 11:00 AM(UTC+9) / 2:00 PM(UTC+12)
Schedules for 3 games done. 2 more to go !


Hi guys,

ThieuN vs danjosely: Sunday June 6th 8AM UTC / 3PM (UTC+7)


Quick self-review of the match bugcat-jlt. Focus on three positions.

In this position,

White was hesitating between A and B. If A,

Katago's main line is the following.


This seems complicated and I don’t really understand it.

The game variation is only 1 point worse for White, so is playable.


The marked intersection is an important point for both players, that both missed during the game.

However, the variation P2 R3 O4 P5 N3 mentioned by @bugcat in the post Playing "Sino-Tibetan formations" ("1-3-5s") - #19 by bugcat is 0.5 point better than the game variation and is easily understandable.

Here is the position at move 141

White made a bad atari (R15) which removed a liberty.

Instead the correct play was


This is a bit like in the game, except that White has an extra liberty so Black needs to sacrifice Q9, otherwise R11 gets captured.

Therefore after move 138, Black should have ataried at A and nothing works for White.


However, reading is complicated, there is a lot of aji.

After move 167,

White could have killed with...

B5. The reason is that if Black responds then Black may get one eye in gote, but White can then poke the other eye at G9.

Therefore, at move 161, Black should have played this way:

Black’s shape has defects at A and B but Black can either connect or make two eyes.


If anyone speaks with @DGF.EELT please let me know.

@Chinitsu may help?

Played a couple of games to prepare for my matches. Lost by messing up under time pressure and / or timeout and was reminded why I quit playing seriously. I should really learn better time management … Do you compromise under time pressure, to simplify the game?


Yes I’ll try contracting him.

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This might've been a more manageable midgame setup for me: