To avoid overloading the thread I suggest to post game reviews, or any technical chat about games in this thread.
I’ve already posted two short reviews of my games:
Now I will say a few words about the match against @Notbiased.
At move 20, and many times afterwards (except when another part of the board is urgent), the AI wants Black to cut at A and White to protect the cut:
At move 50, Katago wants Black to cut like this:
However the other way of cutting also works:
(I had read until move 53 of the variation but didn’t think about 54).
In this position,
Black connected with B, but A was better for eyeshape in the corner.
In this position,
White should play A. But since White played C, the AI says that Black should play B. I guess this is important for Black to prevent White from making forcing moves against the corner.
In this position,
White’s last move was a mistake and should have been at B. Black responded with A but should have played at B. Black shouldn’t be afraid that White plays at A next. For instance, here is a variation:
Then White can’t block at A, otherwise the sequence Black B, White C, Black D follows and Black can capture two 2 or 3 stones.
N2 is also an insurance for L3.
Yes, reading is hard. Too often I am afraid to be disconnected, but I really need to analyze whether the subsequent fight is good or not, and judge if I can accept that my opponent cuts.