I won’t review every move but here are quick highlights on the game Samraku-jlt:
- White 30 should be at K3 because…
- Black 31 can cut with M2
- White 48 should be at S18 because Black is only alive by ko in the corner (the ko shouldn’t be launched immediately, it is still too small).
- The sequence starting with Black 59 is bad for Black. I think it makes White too strong.
- Black 65 is bad. Saving one stone is not important.
- White 68 should be at K17. Attack Black, do not reinforce Black’s group.
- Black 75 should be at H18. Black has two weakish groups, better connect them together.
- For White 78 and several times later, the bot suggests to attack Black at E18.
- Black 141 should be at D9. Black would be leading by 15 points.
- White 146 can kill without condition at B11.
- White 182 has a tesuji at H9.
- Black resigned at move 184 but the game was balanced (Black was leading by 1 point according to the bot).