OGS team league proposal

Two team setup better. Handicap games need to be avoided

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Yo! This sounds pretty cool; are sign-ups still open?

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Always open :D

With nine people we can make a proper three-team league!


Like this, perhaps?

Board Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Handicap?
Top terrific 4d Martin 4d drifterwolf 1k T1 & T2 → T3 (three stones?)
Middle bugcat 3k Samraku 2k bswan 5k N
Bottom Jakob 8k Gia 21k jiveo 6k T1 & T3 → T2 (nine stones?)

I don’t suppose there’s an external website we can use to store this information? If we get more participants it could be a pain to store it all in a forum thread.

As you may know, the BeginnerGo league uses https://baduk.club/

That’d probably be a good long-term scaleable site. I’ve never used it myself.

Ah, that would work well I think; each board can have a separate group, and we can use the “mentor” text to show what team they’re a part of.

As an example: BeginnerGo Tournament May | BadukClub

you can make it two teams of 4 players with no handicap by kicking out Gia

I don’t think that’s really fair, and I’m not even planning on participating.

Better is to just invite more players.


Or kick drifterwolf.
Seriously, get more players or let have a team with one more player (let them turn)


That was a joke. :sweat_smile:

Before Gia is kicked, I volunteer to spectate instead of participating.

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There is no intention of forcing anyone to leave the league.


i’m interested, this sounds like a promising set up :smiley:


Ten players is a slightly awkward number.

One idea we could try is having two four-player teams and one three-player team (eleven slots) and I could play twice, on the two larger teams.

Hmm, like this?

Board Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Handicap?
First terrific 4d Martin 4d drifterwolf 1k T1 & T2 → T3 (2 stones?)
Second bugcat 3k (1) Samraku 2k (1) bswan 5k T1 & T2 → T3 (no komi?)
Third Jakob 8k BattlePrez 8k jiveo 6k T3 – > T1 & T2 (no komi?)
Fourth bugcat 3k (2) Samraku 2k? (2) Gia 21k T1 & T2 → T3 (9 stones?)

Nine players would be easiest, or twelve. Ten and eleven are a bit awkward.

In this diagram I tried an H = ΔR / 2 handicap.

We also seem to have a big gap in the DDK ranks, which is making things look a bit unbalanced.

Can we get two more people for the league?

Then I’ll consider sealing applications for the first round and we’ll play with four teams of three, or else with three teams of four depending on what looks best.

Otherwise we’ll either try the ten-configuration or I’ll give my place to BattlePrez and we’ll play with nine, in three teams of three.

If we stay at 10 people, I volunteer to observe the first matches.

seequ (2k) suggested he’d play if we made the format one round / month.

That’d yield us a table something like this:

Board Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Handicap?
First terrific 4d Martin 4d drifterwolf 1k Samraku 2k T1, 2 → T3, 4 (2H)
Second bugcat 3k (1) seequ 2k bswan 5k jiveo 6k T1 → T3, 4 (1H); T2 → T3 (1H); T2–T4 (2H)
Third Gia 21k Jakob 8k BattlePrez 8k bugcat 3k (2) T4 → T2, 3 (2H); T4 → T1 (9H); T2, 3 → T1 (6H)

One more player would still be awesome, though.

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I would not play if one round per month. two weeks max.

Really hate those tournaments that drag on for years.