Our individual rights vs video recording (anticheats new policies)

I just don’t see the point in trying to discuss this with you further. You ask something like demonstrate X and then childishly reply things like

It’s a bunch of tit for tat nonsense.

Going forward it might be everyone that has to record. Or it might be as uberdude and others have said that maybe some tournaments won’t be rated or won’t require everyone to record.

I just don’t know what your point is here @aesalon. You think recording is great with no issues, it sets the bar of cheating at least at the standard of irl tournaments, (which it doesn’t since you’re playing in the privacy of your home instead of likely being surrounded by other players, tournament directors etc). Recording doesn’t inconvenience anyone, the rules don’t pressure anyone who wants to participate who isn’t a dan player.

Anyone who says otherwise is incorrect and you just dismiss their concerns entirely.